Works (14)
2013 journal article
Cytological and Molecular Characterization of Genetic Diversity in Stenotaphrum
CROP SCIENCE, 53(1), 296–308.

2010 journal article
Resistance loci affecting distinct stages of fungal pathogenesis: use of introgression lines for QTL mapping and characterization in the maize - Setosphaeria turcica pathosystem
Contributors: C. Chung *, J. Longfellow*, E. Walsh*, Z. Kerdieh*, n, P. Balint-Kurti n , R. Nelson *

2010 journal article
Use of a Maize Advanced Intercross Line for Mapping of QTL for Northern Leaf Blight Resistance and Multiple Disease Resistance
CROP SCIENCE, 50(2), 458–466.
Contributors: P. Balint-Kurti n , J. Yang*, n, J. Jung* & M. Smith *

2009 conference paper
Qualitative powdery mildew mapping update
Eastern Wheat Workers/Southern Small Grain Workers NCERA184 Conference, 28–30. Baltimore, Md.: Eastern Wheat Workers/Southern Small Grain Workers.
2008 journal article
A Comparison of leaf appearance rates among teosinte, maize landraces and modern maize
Maydica, 53(2), 117–123.
1999 journal article
Genetic similarity indices for ancestral cotton cultivars and their impact on genetic diversity estimates of modern cultivars
Crop Science, 39(2), 323–328.
1999 journal article
Radiation use efficiency and leaf CO2 exchange for diverse C-4 grasses
BIOMASS & BIOENERGY, 17(2), 95–112.

1999 journal article
Switchgrass cultivars and germplasm for biomass feedstock production in Texas

1999 journal article
Variation among cotton cultivars for the number of fiber initials per seed
Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Proceedings, (1999), 487.
1998 journal article
Changes in the genetic diversity of cotton in the USA from 1970 to 1995
CROP SCIENCE, 38(1), 33–37.

1998 journal article
Cotton germplasm diversity and its importance to cultivar development
Journal of Cotton Science, 2(3), 121–129.
1998 journal article
Hybrid rank and variance of corn at sites with contrasting humic matter content
CROP SCIENCE, 38(2), 347–352.

1998 journal article
Selection response and developmental basis for early and late panicle emergence in Alamo switchgrass
CROP SCIENCE, 38(2), 342–346.

1997 book
Pedigrees and distinguishing characteristics of upland and pima cotton germplasm lines released between 1972 and 1996
Raleigh, N.C.: N.C. Agricultural Research Service, North Carolina State University.