@article{bush_poore_rogers_altier_2007, title={Effect of stacking method on Salmonella elimination from recycled poultry bedding}, volume={98}, ISSN={["0960-8524"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.biortech.2006.02.017}, abstractNote={Recycled poultry bedding (RPB) is a protein and mineral supplement for cattle. Concerns regarding this product have arisen because of the perceived risk of transmitting potentially pathogenic organisms to cattle. This study's primary objective was to assess survival of Salmonella in RPB stacked to a recommended height (2.13 m—DS-RPB), or a height of 0.76 m (SS-RPB). Dialysis bags containing RPB and Salmonella typhimurium were placed throughout stacks. Temperature was monitored daily using thermocouples attached to sample bags. After 21 days, sample bags were recovered. Ammonia analysis was performed from multiple sites in the stacks. Bag contents were cultured to determine viability of the salmonella inoculates. This trial demonstrated a wide variation of temperature within the stacks. Temperature near the edge of stacks changed with ambient temperature. Ammonia concentration in the RPB was highest at the top of the DS-RPB. Salmonella was eliminated in 98.7% of sites, with at least a 5-log reduction in the Salmonella organisms in sites where it was still viable.}, number={3}, journal={BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY}, author={Bush, Dawn J. and Poore, Matthew H. and Rogers, Glenn M. and Altier, Craig}, year={2007}, month={Feb}, pages={571–578} } @article{bush_lillich_anderson_midla_desrochers_st. jean_1998, title={Surgical excision of melanoma in seven cattle}, volume={19}, number={4}, journal={Large Animal Practice}, author={Bush, D. J. and Lillich, J. and Anderson, D. E. and Midla, L. T. and Desrochers, A. and St. Jean, G.}, year={1998}, pages={36–39} }