Works (4)
2002 journal article
Dynamics of the world textile and clothing industries
Textile Asia, 33(7), 32–36.
1999 conference paper
Can information engineering increase decision effectiveness in the textile industry?
World Textile Congress, Huddersfield, UK, July 6-7, 1999.
1999 journal article
Can information engineering pave way to better decision-making in the textile industry?
ITS Textile Leader, 3(1999 Sept.), 10–16.
1999 conference paper
Competitive strategies, organisational structures and business relationships in a complex and turbulent business environment: the textile and apparel manufacturer of the new millenium
II Conferencia Internacional Textil/Confeccao: 21/23 julho 1999, Rio de Janeiro = 2nd International Textile and Apparel Conference: 21/23 July 1999, Rio de Janeiro, (1999 July). Rio de Janeiro: SENAI/CETIQT.