Duarte Eugenio Diaz
Works (10)
2009 journal article
The addition of cottonseed hulls to the starter and supplementation of live yeast or mannanoligosaccharide in the milk for young calves

2005 journal article
Technical note: Technique for dissection and analysis of the rumen in young calves

2004 journal article
Aflatoxin Binders II: Reduction of aflatoxin M1 in milk by sequestering agents of cows consuming aflatoxin in feed
MYCOPATHOLOGIA, 157(2), 233–241.
2003 journal article
Aflatoxin binders I: In vitro binding assay for aflatoxin B1 by several potential sequestering agents
MYCOPATHOLOGIA, 156(3), 223–226.

2003 journal article
Effects of amounts and degradability of dietary protein on lactation, nitrogen utilization, and excretion in early lactation Holstein cows
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 86(5), 1681–1689.

2001 journal article
Chemical analysis of six commercial adult iguana [Iguana iguana], diets
Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery, 11(3), 23.
2000 journal article
Mycotoxins and milk safety: The potential to block transfer to milk
Biotechnology in the Feed Industry. Proceedings of Alltech's 16th Annual Symposium: the Future of Food, 391.
1999 journal article
Autologous, homologous, and heterologous red blood cell transfusions in cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus)
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 13(1), 2–9.
1999 journal article
Autologous, homologous, and heterologous red blood cell transfusions in conures of the genus Aratinga
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 13(1), 10–14.
1998 journal article
Milk production and plasma gossypol of cows fed cottonseed and oilseed meals with or without rumen-undegradable protein
JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 81(11), 2934–2941.