Works (20)
2013 journal article
A method for detecting hidden additivity in two-factor unreplicated experiments
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 67, 95–104.

2011 journal article
Gene Expression profile and response to maize kernels by Aspergillus flavus
Phytopathology, 101(7), 797–804.
2011 journal article
Genome-wide linkage study of atopic dermatitis in West Highland White Terriers
BMC Genetics, 12.
2010 journal article
Genomic hotspots for adaptation: The population genetics of Mullerian mimicry in Heliconius erato
PLoS Genetics, 6(4).
2008 journal article
Does strong linkage disequilibrium guarantee redundant association results?
Genetic Epidemiology, 32(6), 546–552.

2008 journal article
The effect of temperature on Natural Antisense Transcript (NAT) expression in Aspergillus flavus
Current Genetics, 54(5), 241–269.
2007 journal article
Comprehensive Transcriptome Profiling in Tomato Reveals a Role for Glycosyltransferase in Mi-Mediated Nematode Resistance
Plant Physiology, 144(2), 1079–1092.
Contributors: J. Schaff n, D. Nielsen n , C. Smith n, E. Scholl n & D. Bird n

2007 journal article
Elucidation of veA-dependent genes associated with aflatoxin and sclerotial production in Aspergillus flavus by functional genomics
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 76(5), 1107–1118.
2005 journal article
A unified mixed-model method for association mapping that accounts for multiple levels of relatedness
Nature Genetics, 38(2), 203–208.
Contributors: J. Yu *, G. Pressoir *, W. Briggs*, I. Bi*, M. Yamasaki *, J. Doebley *, M. McMullen*, B. Gaut*

2005 journal article
Association of genetic polymorphisms with risk of renal injury after coronary bypass graft surgery
American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 45(3), 519–530.

2005 journal article
Genetic Polymorphisms and the Risk of Stroke After Cardiac Surgery
Stroke, 36(9), 1854–1858.

2005 journal article
Measures of human population structure show heterogeneity among genomic regions
Genome Research, 15(11), 1468–1476.

2004 journal article
Effect of Two- and Three-Locus Linkage Disequilibrium on the Power to Detect Marker/Phenotype Associations
Genetics, 168(2), 1029–1040.

2001 journal article
Applying Data Mining Techniques to the Mapping of Complex Disease Genes
Genetic Epidemiology, 21(S1), S435–S440.

2001 journal article
Association Studies under General Disease Models
Theoretical Population Biology, 60(3), 253–263.

1999 journal article
A classical setting for associations between markers and loci affecting quantitative traits
Genetical Research, 74(3), 271–277.

1999 journal article
Localization of the locus causing Spider Lamb Syndrome to the distal end of ovine Chromosome 6
Mammalian Genome, 10(1), 35–38.

1999 journal article
Novel tests for marker-disease association using the collaborative study on the genetics of alcoholism data
Genetic Epidemiology, 17(Suppl.1), S265–270.
1998 journal article
Detecting Marker-Disease Association by Testing for Hardy-Weinberg Disequilibrium at a Marker Locus
The American Journal of Human Genetics, 63(5), 1531–1540.

1987 book
Virginia's forest and wildlife resources: Present and future
Blacksburg: School of Forestry and Wildlife Resources, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University.