@article{ford_1997, title={Public access to electronic federal depository information in regional depository libraries}, volume={14}, ISSN={["0740-624X"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0740-624X(97)90051-4}, abstractNote={This article reports on a study of regional depository libraries for a descriptive analysis of regional depository library capabilities and practice in providing public access to electronic federal government information. The study indicates that regional depository libraries are progressing in the creation of an environment that supports public access to this information. The responding regionals are equipped with public access microcomputer workstations and a majority provide access to CD-ROM's, the Internet, and GPO Access. Adequate staffing and resources, however, remain a problem for some.}, number={1}, journal={GOVERNMENT INFORMATION QUARTERLY}, author={Ford, S}, year={1997}, pages={51–63} }