John Love
Works (9)
2003 journal article
Differential regulation of two Arabidopsis type III phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase isoforms. A regulatory role for the pleckstrin homology domain
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 132(2), 1053–1064.

2002 journal article
Differential Top10 promoter regulation by six tetracycline analogues in plant cells

2002 journal article
Up-regulation of phosphoinositide metabolism in tobacco cells constitutively expressing the human type I inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 129(4), 1795–1806.

2002 journal article
When a day makes a difference. Interpreting data from endoplasmic reticulum-targeted green fluorescent protein fusions in cells grown in suspension culture
Plant Physiology, 128(2), 341–344.
2001 conference paper
Altering phosphoinositide metabolism by expressing human type I inositol polyphosphate 5 ' phosphatase in tobacco cells
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 12(2001 Nov), 820.
2001 journal article
The Ca2+ status of the endoplasmic reticulum is altered by induction of calreticulin expression in transgenic plants
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 126(3), 1092–1104.

2000 journal article
Stringent control of transgene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana using the Top10 promoter system
PLANT JOURNAL, 21(6), 579–588.

1997 journal article
Ca2+ and calmodulin dynamics during photopolarization in Fucus serratus zygotes
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 115(1), 249–261.
1980 chapter
In Introduction to floriculture (p. 409). New York: Academic Press.