Jill M. Stevenson-Paulik
Works (4)
2008 review
Transgenic Arabidopsis Plants Expressing the Type 1 Inositol 5-Phosphatase Exhibit Increased Drought Tolerance and Altered Abscisic Acid Signaling
[Review of ]. PLANT CELL, 20(10), 2876–2893.

2003 journal article
Differential regulation of two Arabidopsis type III phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase isoforms. A regulatory role for the pleckstrin homology domain
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 132(2), 1053–1064.

2000 journal article
Inositol signaling and plant growth
Trends in Plant Science, 5(6), 252–258.

1998 chapter
Inositol lipid signaling: what can we learn from plants?
In E. C.-O. J. Sanchez & E. Martinez-Force (Eds.), Advances in lipids research (pp. 394–397). Sevilla, Spain: University of Sevilla Press.
Ed(s): E. J. Sanchez & E. Martinez-Force