Works (8)
2008 journal article
Impact of thermal annealing on deep-level defects in strained-Si/SiGe heterostructure
Journal of Applied Physics, 103(10).
1999 journal article
Drift of interstitial iron in a space charge region of p-type Si Schottky diode
Physica. B, Condensed Matter, 274(1999 Dec.), 395–397.
1999 journal article
Evolution of deep-level centers in p-type silicon following ion implantation at 85 K
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 74(9), 1263–1265.

1999 journal article
In-situ photoexcitation-induced perturbations of defect complex concentration and distribution in silicon implanted with light and heavy ions
Diffusion and Defect Data. [Pt. B], Solid State Phenomena, 70(1999), 397–402.
1999 journal article
In-situ studies of point-defect complexes in silicon implanted with heavy MeV ions
Physica. B, Condensed Matter, 274(1999 Dec.), 485–488.
1999 journal article
Silver-hydrogen interactions in crystalline silicon
Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 59(8), 5551–5560.
1999 journal article
The impact of in situ photoexcitation on the formation of vacancy-type complexes in silicon implanted at 85 and 295 K

1998 journal article
Diffusion of iron in the silicon dioxide layer of silicon-on-insulator structures
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 73(9), 1206–1208.