Works (7)

Updated: July 5th, 2023 16:02

2003 journal article

DRIS analysis identifies a common potassium imbalance in sweetgum plantations


By: M. Coleman*, S. Chang* & D. Robison n

author keywords: forest fertilization; nutrient diagnosis; short rotation; woody crops; Liquidambar styraciflua
topics (OpenAlex): Banana Cultivation and Research; Growth and nutrition in plants; Pineapple and bromelain studies
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (OpenAlex)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
15. Life on Land (Web of Science)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2002 conference paper

Genotype x fertility interactions in seedling sweetgum

In P. A. O. K. W. Outcalt & R. B. Tucker (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference : Knoxville, Tennessee, March 20-22, 2002. Asheville, N.C. : USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station.

By: S. Chang & D. Robison

Ed(s): P. K. W. Outcalt & R. Tucker

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2001 conference paper

Genotypic effects of fertilization on seedling sweetgum biomass allocation, N uptake, and N use efficiency

Optimizing nitrogen management in food and energy production and environmental protection: Proceedings of the 2nd International Nitrogen Conference on Science and Policy. TheScientificWorld:1, 2(electronic).

By: S. Chang* & D. Robison*

MeSH headings : Biomass; Fertility / physiology; Fertilization / physiology; Genotype; Liquidambar / genetics; Liquidambar / growth & development; Liquidambar / metabolism; Liquidambar / physiology; Nitrogen / metabolism; Nitrogen / pharmacology; Phosphorus / metabolism; Phosphorus / pharmacology; Plant Structures / genetics; Plant Structures / growth & development; Plant Structures / metabolism; Plant Structures / physiology; Seasons; Seedlings / genetics; Seedlings / growth & development; Seedlings / metabolism; Seedlings / physiology; Trees / genetics; Trees / growth & development; Trees / metabolism; Trees / physiology
topics (OpenAlex): Seedling growth and survival studies; Plant nutrient uptake and metabolism; Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics
TL;DR: A pot experiment was conducted to test the hypotheses that sweetgum families have different patterns in biomass production and allocation, N uptake, and N use efficiency (NUE), because of their differences in growth strategies. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2000 journal article

Site history affects soil and plant N-15 natural abundances (delta N-15) in forests of northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia

FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, 14(3), 273–280.

By: S. Chang n & L. Handley

author keywords: competition; mycorrhizas; old-growth forest; plantation; slash-burning
topics (OpenAlex): Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics; Seedling growth and survival studies; Peatlands and Wetlands Ecology
TL;DR: Foliar and soil δ15N declined with site age and with a presumed change from ‘open’ to ‘closed’ N cycling; the 15N-depleting effects of mycorrhizal N transformations contributed to the observed δ 15N decline. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
14. Life Below Water (Web of Science)
15. Life on Land (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

2000 journal article

Understorey competition affects tree growth and fate of fertilizer-applied N-15 in a Coastal British Columbia plantation forest: 6-year results


By: S. Chang* & C. Preston

topics (OpenAlex): Forest ecology and management; Seedling growth and survival studies; Forest Management and Policy
TL;DR: Nitrogen and 15N concentration in both tree and understorey components decreased from 1992 to 1996 and N concentration in 1-year-old foliage in 1996 (but not in 1992) was significantly lower in the control than in the treated plots, indicating that the site was low in N supply and the ef... (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
15. Life on Land (Web of Science)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

1999 journal article

Availability of residual N-15 in a coniferous forest soil: a greenhouse bioassay and comparison with chemical extractions


By: S. Chang*, C. Preston* & G. Weetman*

topics (OpenAlex): Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics; Soil and Water Nutrient Dynamics; Agriculture, Soil, Plant Science
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (Web of Science)
13. Climate Action (Web of Science)
15. Life on Land (Web of Science; OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

1999 journal article

Coarse root system characteristics and toppling of clona

New Zealand Journal of Forestry, 44(1), 15–18.

By: M. Gautam, D. Mead, C. Frampton & S. Chang

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

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