Works (6)
2001 journal article
Resonant transmission through finite-sized carbon nanotubes
2000 journal article
Mechanical properties, defects and electronic behavior of carbon nanotubes
CARBON, 38(11-12), 1703–1711.
2000 journal article
Theoretical STM signatures and transport properties of native defects in carbon nanotubes
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 61(20), 14194–14203.
2000 journal article
Two- and three-dimensional simulations of the phase separation of elastically coherent binary alloys subject to external stresses
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 62(5), 3160–3168.
1999 journal article
Ad-dimers on strained carbon nanotubes: A new route for quantum dot formation?
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 83(20), 4132–4135.
1999 journal article
Large-scale simulations of phase separation of elastically coherent binary alloy systems
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 59(13), 8646–8659.