@inproceedings{brawner_felder_brent_miller_allen_1999, title={Faculty teaching practices in an engineering education coalition}, volume={1}, DOI={10.1109/fie.1999.839273}, abstractNote={This paper discusses the findings from a survey of engineering faculty at the eight colleges of engineering that make up SUCCEED, one of the National Science Foundations engineering education coalitions. Faculty members were surveyed on their use of various teaching methods in their undergraduate classes. Findings show that faculty members who reported attending teaching seminars in their careers were more likely to use active learning methods regularly than those who had not attended any such seminars. Significant usage differences were also found based on the Carnegie classification of the respondents' schools, their primary job function (teaching, teaching/research, or administration), their involvement in SUCCEED-sponsored activities, their rank, and their sex.}, number={1999 November}, booktitle={1999 Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings, ASEE/IEEE, November 1999.}, publisher={Washington, D.C.: American Society for Engineering Education}, author={Brawner, C. E. and Felder, R. M. and Brent, R. and Miller, T. K. and Allen, R. H.}, year={1999}, pages={12a5-11256} } @inproceedings{felder_brent_miller_brawner_allen_1998, title={Faculty teaching practices and perceptions of institutional attitudes toward teaching at eight engineering schools}, volume={1}, DOI={10.1109/fie.1998.736812}, abstractNote={All engineering faculty members in the eight universities that comprise the SUCCEED Coalition were surveyed about their use of a variety of instructional methods and their perceptions about attitudes toward teaching on their campuses. The results provide a unique snapshot of engineering education at a transitional moment in its history. The same survey will be administered two years and four years from now. The results should provide an indication of the degree to which the SUCCEED faculty development program is meeting its objectives, which are to promote facility adoption of proven instructional methods and materials and to improve institutional support for effective teaching.}, number={1998 November}, booktitle={1998 Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings, ASEE/IEEE, November 1998}, publisher={Washington, D.C.: American Society for Engineering Education}, author={Felder, R. M. and Brent, R. and Miller, T. K. and Brawner, C. E. and Allen, R. H.}, year={1998}, pages={101–105} } @inproceedings{brawner_felder_allen_brent_2002, title={How important is effective teaching to engineering faculty and administrators}, number={2002 June}, booktitle={2002 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, ASEE, June 2002}, publisher={Washington, D.C.: American Society for Engineering Education}, author={Brawner, C. E. and Felder, R. M. and Allen, R.H. and Brent, R.}, year={2002} } @inproceedings{brawner_felder_allen_brent_miller_2001, title={A comparison of electronic surveying by e-mail and web}, booktitle={2001 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, ASEE, June 2001}, publisher={Washington, D.C.: American Society for Engineering Education}, author={Brawner, C. E. and Felder, R. M. and Allen, R. H. and Brent, R. and Miller, T. K.}, year={2001} } @article{brawner_anderson_zorowski_serow_2001, title={Quality approach supports engineering education reform}, volume={34}, number={7}, journal={Quality Progress}, author={Brawner, C. E. and Anderson, T. J. and Zorowski, C. F. and Serow, R. C.}, year={2001}, pages={75–81} } @inproceedings{brawner_felder_allen_brent_2001, title={The impact of faculty development activities on engineering faculty teaching practices}, booktitle={2001 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, ASEE, June 2001}, publisher={Washington, D.C.: American Society for Engineering Education}, author={Brawner, C. E. and Felder, R. M. and Allen, R. H. and Brent, R.}, year={2001} } @book{brawner_felder_brent_allen_miller_1999, title={Faculty survey of teaching practices and perceptions of institutional attitudes toward teaching: 1997-1998}, number={1999}, journal={ERIC Document Reproduction Service Report ED428607, 1999}, author={Brawner, C. E. and Felder, R. M. and Brent, R. and Allen, R. H. and Miller, T. K.}, year={1999} } @article{serow_brawner_demery_1999, title={Instructional reform at research universities: studying faculty motivation}, volume={22}, DOI={10.1353/rhe.1999.0018}, abstractNote={ Concerns about the quality of undergraduate teaching have focused new attention on the motives underlying faculty role performance at research universities. This article reports findings from a case study of faculty participation in one instructional reform coalition. Results indicate three distinct motivational patterns, corresponding roughly to variations in individuals' faculty status. The implications of these findings are considered in light of recent calls for the restructuring of universities' faculty rewards systems.}, number={4}, journal={Review of Higher Education}, author={Serow, R. C. and Brawner, C. E. and Demery, J.}, year={1999}, pages={411} }