@article{mexas_hancock_breitschwerdt_2002, title={Bartonella henselae and Bartonella elizabethae as Potential Canine Pathogens}, volume={40}, ISSN={0095-1137}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/jcm.40.12.4670-4674.2002}, DOI={10.1128/JCM.40.12.4670-4674.2002}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT Bartonella henselae or Bartonella elizabethae DNA from EDTA-anticoagulated blood samples obtained from four dogs was amplified and sequenced. The results showed that B. elizabethae should be added to the list of Bartonella species (i.e., B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii , B. henselae , and B. clarridgeiae ) that are currently recognized as infectious agents in dogs. Furthermore, these results may have potential zoonotic implications, particularly if dogs can serve as a previously unrecognized reservoir for B. henselae . Although the clinical relevance of these observations remains to be determined, it is possible that molecular diagnostic techniques such as PCR may help to implicate a spectrum of Bartonella spp. as a cause of or a cofactor in chronic canine and human diseases of poorly defined causation. }, number={12}, journal={Journal of Clinical Microbiology}, publisher={American Society for Microbiology}, author={Mexas, A. M. and Hancock, S. I. and Breitschwerdt, E. B.}, year={2002}, month={Dec}, pages={4670–4674} } @article{beaufils_breitschwerdt_hancock_hegarty_martin-granel_jumelle_barbault-jumelle_blavier_2002, title={Feline ehrlichiosis. The genetic identification of the agent in Avo cats}, volume={37}, number={3}, journal={Pratique Medicale et Chirurgicale de L'animal de Compagnie}, author={Beaufils, J. P. and Breitschwerdt, E. and Hancock, S. I. and Hegarty, B. C. and Martin-Granel, J. and Jumelle, P. and Barbault-Jumelle, M. and Blavier, A.}, year={2002}, pages={235–238} } @article{breitschwerdt_abrams-ogg_lappin_bienzle_hancock_cowan_clooten_hegarty_hawkins_2002, title={Molecular evidence supporting Ehrlichia canis-like infection in cats}, volume={16}, ISSN={["0891-6640"]}, DOI={10.1892/0891-6640(2002)016<0642:MESCII>2.3.CO;2}, abstractNote={Currently, the pathogenic role of Ehrlichia canis in cats has been proposed predominantly on the basis of the serologic evidence of natural infection and the infrequent detection of morulae-like structures within the cytoplasm of leukocytes in cats.The purpose of this report was to provide molecular evidence supporting E canis-like infection in 3 cats that had clinical manifestations consistent with canine ehrlichiosis but lacked antibodies to E canis antigens.Serum from all 3 cats contained antinuclear antibodies (ANAs).The predominant disease manifestation was polyarthritis in 1 cat and bone marrow hypoplasia or dysplasia, accompanied by pancytopenia or anemia and thrombocytopenia, in 1 cat each.The alignment of E canis partial 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA; 382 nucleotide positions), amplified from EDTA blood samples from each cat, was identical to each other and was identical to a canine isolate of E canis (GenBank accession number AF373613).In 1 cat, concurrent treatment with corticosteroids may have interfered with the therapeutic effectiveness of doxycycline for the elimination of E canis-like infection.To further define the spectrum of ehrlichiosis in cats, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing may be necessary until serologic testing is thoroughly validated in experimentally or naturally infected cats.In addition, until E canis has been isolated from cats and several tissue culture isolates are available from disparate geographic regions for detailed comparative genetic study, the molecular evidence presented in this study supporting E canis-like infection in cats must be interpreted with caution.}, number={6}, journal={JOURNAL OF VETERINARY INTERNAL MEDICINE}, author={Breitschwerdt, EB and Abrams-Ogg, ACG and Lappin, MR and Bienzle, D and Hancock, SI and Cowan, SM and Clooten, JK and Hegarty, BC and Hawkins, EC}, year={2002}, pages={642–649} } @article{williams_van steenhouse_bradley_hancock_hegarty_breitschwerdt_2002, title={Naturally OccurringEhrlichia chaffeensisInfection in Two Prosimian Primate Species: Ring-tailed Lemurs (Lemur catta) and Ruffed Lemurs (Varecia variegata)}, volume={8}, ISSN={1080-6040 1080-6059}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.3201/eid0812.020085}, DOI={10.3201/eid0812.020085}, abstractNote={A naturally occurring infection of Ehrlichia chaffeensis in lemurs is described. DNA of Ehrlichia chaffeensis was identified by polymerase chain reaction in peripheral blood from six of eight clinically ill lemurs. Organisms were cultured from the blood of one lemur exhibiting clinical and hematologic abnormalities similar to those of humans infected with E. chaffeensis.}, number={12}, journal={Emerging Infectious Diseases}, publisher={Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)}, author={Williams, Cathy V. and Van Steenhouse, Jan L. and Bradley, Julie M. and Hancock, Susan I. and Hegarty, Barbara C. and Breitschwerdt, Edward B.}, year={2002}, month={Dec}, pages={1497–1500} } @article{suksawat_pitulle_arraga-alvarado_madrigal_hancock_breitschwerdt_2001, title={Coinfection with Three Ehrlichia Species in Dogs from Thailand and Venezuela with Emphasis on Consideration of 16S Ribosomal DNA Secondary Structure}, volume={39}, ISSN={0095-1137}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/JCM.39.1.90-93.2001}, DOI={10.1128/JCM.39.1.90-93.2001}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT As part of a larger study to investigate tick-borne infections in dogs from Thailand and Venezuela, documentation of coinfection with three Ehrlichia species in two dogs, one from each country, became the focus of the present study. Although neither dog had clinical signs attributable to ehrlichiosis, both dogs were anemic and neutropenic and the Thai dog was thrombocytopenic. Genus- and species-specific PCR targeting the 16S rRNA genes indicated that both dogs were coinfected with Ehrlichia canis , E. platys , and E. equi . To our knowledge, these results provide the first molecular documentation for the presence of E. equi in dogs from these countries. Using universal bacterial PCR primers, one nearly full-length 16S rRNA gene could be amplified from each dog. The sequences were identical to each other and almost identical to that of E. platys ( AF156784 ), providing the first E. platys 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences reported from these two geographically divergent countries. To determine whether these sequence differences allow differentiation between these two strains and other published 16S rDNA E. platys sequences, we performed a phylogenetic analysis of the rRNA, incorporating the consideration of secondary structure. }, number={1}, journal={Journal of Clinical Microbiology}, publisher={American Society for Microbiology}, author={Suksawat, J. and Pitulle, C. and Arraga-Alvarado, C. and Madrigal, K. and Hancock, S. I. and Breitschwerdt, E. B.}, year={2001}, month={Jan}, pages={90–93} } @article{hancock_breitschwerdt_pitulle_2001, title={Differentiation of Ehrlichia platys and E. equi Infections in Dogs by Using 16S Ribosomal DNA-Based PCR}, volume={39}, ISSN={0095-1137}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/JCM.39.12.4577-4578.2001}, DOI={10.1128/JCM.39.12.4577-4578.2001}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT We have encountered a previously unrecognized specificity problem when using the small-subunit ribosomal DNA (16S rDNA)-based PCR primers recommended for use in the identification of Ehrlichia equi in clinical samples. These PCR primers annealed to E. platys 16S rDNA in blood samples containing high levels of E. platys organisms. Therefore, we designed and tested new PCR primers for the identification of E. equi . }, number={12}, journal={Journal of Clinical Microbiology}, publisher={American Society for Microbiology}, author={Hancock, S. I. and Breitschwerdt, E. B. and Pitulle, C.}, year={2001}, month={Dec}, pages={4577–4578} } @article{breitschwerdt_sontakke_cannedy_hancock_bradley_2001, title={Infection with Bartonella weissii and Detection of Nanobacterium Antigens in a North Carolina Beef Herd}, volume={39}, ISSN={0095-1137}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/JCM.39.3.879-882.2001}, DOI={10.1128/JCM.39.3.879-882.2001}, abstractNote={ABSTRACTVery recently,Bartonellaorganisms have been isolated from large ruminants (deer, elk, and dairy and beef cattle) located in the United States and in France. In this study, we report the serologic, microbiologic, and molecular findings related to the isolation of aBartonellaspecies in North Carolina beef cattle and the detection of nanobacterial antigen using a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Between August 1998 and September 1999, blood was collected from 38 cattle ranging in age from 1 month to 6.5 years. After a 1-month incubation period, aBartonellasp. was isolated on a 5% rabbit blood agar plate from three of six EDTA blood samples. PCR amplification of the 16S rRNA gene from all three isolates resulted in a DNA sequence that was 100% identical to that ofB. weissii16S rRNA (GenBank no.AF199502). By IFA testing, 36 of 38 cattle had antibodies (≥1:64) toBartonella weissii(bovine origin) antigens. Nanobacterial antigen was detected in 22 of 22 serum samples. We conclude that infection with an organism similar or closely related toB. weissiican occur in North Carolina cattle and that although their actual existence is still controversialNanobacteriumantigens were detected with a commercially available test kit. The epidemiology, vector biology, and potential pathogenicity of these organisms in cattle deserve future consideration.}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Clinical Microbiology}, publisher={American Society for Microbiology}, author={Breitschwerdt, E. B. and Sontakke, S. and Cannedy, A. and Hancock, S. I. and Bradley, J. M.}, year={2001}, month={Mar}, pages={879–882} } @article{suksawat_yu_hancock_hegarty_nilkumhang_breitschwerdt_2001, title={Serologic and molecular evidence of coinfection with multiple vector-borne pathogens in dogs from Thailand}, volume={15}, ISSN={["1939-1676"]}, DOI={10.1892/0891-6640(2001)015<0453:SAMEOC>2.3.CO;2}, abstractNote={Forty-nine dogs from Thailand were evaluated for serologic evidence of exposure or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) evidence of infection with vectorborne pathogens, includingEhrlichia sp. (Ehrlichia canis, Ehrlichia chaffeensis, Ehrlichia equi, and Ehr-lichia risticii), Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffi(Bvb), spotted fever group (SFG) rickettsiae(Rickettsia rickettsii), Typhus group (TG) rickettsiae(Rickettsia Canada, Rickettsia prowazekii, andRickettsia typhi), andBabesia sp. (Babesia canisandBabesia gibsonii). All study dogs had at least 1 of 3 entry criteria: fever, anemia, or thrombocytopenia. By immunofluorescence antibody (IFA) testing, seroreactivity was most prevalent to E chaffeensis (74%) and E canis (71%) antigens, followed by E equi (58%), Bvb (38%), E risticii (38%), R prowazekii (24%), B canis (20%), R rickettsii (12%), R Canada (4%), and B gibsonii (4%) antigens. There was 100% concordance between E canis IFA and Western blot immunoassay (WI) for 35 of 35 samples; 2 samples were IFA and WI reactive only to E equi antigens. By PCR amplification, 10 dogs were found to be infected with E canis, 5 with Ehrlichia platys, and 3 with B canis. Sequencing of PCR products was undertaken to compare Ehrlichia strains from Thailand to strains originating from the United States. Partial DNA sequence analysis confirmed infection with E canis and E platys, with identical 16S rRNA sequence alignment to E canis (U26740) and to E platys (M83801), as reported in GenBank. Partial E canis P28.1 and P28.2 amino acid sequences from Thai dogs were divergent from analogous sequences derived from North American E canis (AF082744) strains, suggesting that the Thai dogs were infected with a geographically distinct strain of E canis compared to North American strains. The results of this study indicate that dogs in Thailand have substantial exposure to vectorborne diseases and that coinfection with these pathogens may be common.}, number={5}, journal={JOURNAL OF VETERINARY INTERNAL MEDICINE}, author={Suksawat, J and Yu, XJ and Hancock, SI and Hegarty, BC and Nilkumhang, P and Breitschwerdt, EB}, year={2001}, pages={453–462} } @article{kordick_breitschwerdt_hegarty_southwick_colitz_hancock_bradley_rumbough_mcpherson_maccormack_1999, title={Coinfection with multiple tick-borne pathogens in a Walker Hound kennel in North Carolina}, volume={37}, number={8}, journal={Journal of Clinical Microbiology}, author={Kordick, S. K. and Breitschwerdt, E. B. and Hegarty, B. C. and Southwick, K. L. and Colitz, C. M. and Hancock, S. I. and Bradley, J. M. and Rumbough, R. and McPherson, J. T. and MacCormack, J. N.}, year={1999}, pages={2631–2638} }