Works (6)
2000 journal article
Conditional genotypic probabilities for microsatellite loci
Genetics, 155(4), 1973–1980.
2000 journal article
Evaluating the statistical significance of single band profiles in VNTR analyses
Science and Justice, 40(1), 27–31.
1999 personal communication
Commentary on Koons RD, Buscaglia J. The forensic significance of glass composition and refractive index measurements. J Forensic Sci 1999;44(3): 496-503.
1999 journal article
Genetic matches and the logic of the law
GENETICA, 105(2), 211–213.

1999 journal article
Interpreting DNA mixtures in structured populations
Journal of Forensic Sciences, 44(5), 987–995.
1999 journal article
The robustness of a continuous likelihood approach to bayesian analysis of forensic glass evidence