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Works (8)
2001 journal article
Incorporation of polymerized whey proteins into processed cheese analogs
Milchwissenschaft [Milk Science International], 56(11), 612–615.
2000 patent
Method of forming whey protein products
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2000 journal article
Model whey protein polymer dessert
Milchwissenschaft [Milk Science International], 55(3), 149–151.
2000 journal article
Physical properties of rennet casein gels and processed cheese analogs containing whey proteins
Milchwissenschaft [Milk Science International], 55(9), 513–516.
2000 journal article
Studies on permeability and rheology of heat and sodium ions- induced whey protein gels
Journal of Food Science and Technology, 37(3), 307–310.
2000 patent
Whey protein products
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2000 journal article
pH induced aggregation and weak gel formation of whey protein polymers
JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, 65(1), 139–143.

1999 journal article
Effect of protein concentration on whey protein gels obtained by a two-stage heating process