Works (5)
2015 journal article
Synthesis and X-ray analysis of a perfluoroalkyl-substituted azobenzene dye
DYES AND PIGMENTS, 120, 245–250.

2001 journal article
Radiometric measurement of area lighting critical to color assessment in the textile industry
AATCC Review, 1(11), 35–39.
2001 journal article
Synthesis and evaluation of organic pigments. 4. New monoarylide and diarylide pigments
DYES AND PIGMENTS, 48(2), 93–106.

2000 journal article
Assessment of the effect of lighting variability on color difference
Textile Chemist and Colorist & American Dyestuff Reporter, 32(6), 16–20.
2000 journal article
Synthesis and evaluation of organic pigments and intermediates. 1. Nonmutagenic benzidine analogs
DYES AND PIGMENTS, 44(3), 199–207.