Works (20)
2003 conference paper
Applying information engineering methodology for decision making in textiles
7th Asian Textile Conference, New Delhi, India, December 2003.
2001 conference paper
Information engineering & effective decision-making: The textile industry link
Information engineering & effective decision-making: The textile industry link. An odyssey in fibres and space: Textile Institute 81st World Conference: Melbourne, Australia, Melbourne Convention Centre, Sunday 1st-Wednesday 4th April, 2001. Manchester, England: The Textile Institute.
2001 conference paper
Information engineering approach for decision-making in textiles
2001 Conference on Information Quality, MIT, November 2001.
2001 conference paper
Information engineering approaches for decision making in textiles
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information Quality : Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 261–272. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT.
2000 conference paper
Can information engineering enhance information quality for effective decision-making in textiles?
In B. D. Klein & D. F. Rossin (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2000 Conference on Information Quality. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Ed(s): B. Klein & D. Rossin
2000 journal article
Information engineering: Enhancing decision effectiveness in textiles?
2000 conference paper
Information engineering: enhancing decision effectiveness in textiles?
80th World Conference of Textile Institute, Manchester, England, April 16-19, 2000. Manchester, UK: Textile Institute.
1999 journal article
Can information engineering enhance the efficacy of decision-making in the textile industry?
ITS Textile Leader, (1999 Aug.).
1999 conference paper
Can information engineering increase decision effectiveness in the textile industry?
World Textile Congress, Huddersfield, UK, July 6-7, 1999.
1999 journal article
Can information engineering pave way to better decision-making in the textile industry?
ITS Textile Leader, 3(1999 Sept.), 10–16.
1999 journal article
Design of integrated information management systems for the textile manufacturing complex (I96-S15)
1999 conference paper
Does the Indian cotton textile industry possess a competitive advantage to succeed in the new millenium?
II Conferencia Internacional Textil/Confeccao: 21/23 julho 1999, Rio de Janeiro = 2nd International Textile and Apparel Conference: 21/23 July 1999, Rio de Janeiro, (1999 July). Rio de Janeiro: SENAI/CETIQT.
1999 conference paper
Information engineering: Improving the effectiveness of decision-making in the textile industry
1999 journal article
Information engineering: Textile industry?s value adding key to effective decision-making
1999 conference paper
Is quick response the strategy of the 21st century for the textile and apparel supply chain?
The textile industry: Winning strategies for the new millennium: Papers presented at the World Conference, February 10-13, 1999, Chennai, India. Manchester, England: Textile Institute.
1998 journal article
Design of integrated information management systems for the textile manufacturing complex (I96-S15)
1997 chapter
Compilation of MRP II/ERP software vendors for the textile/apparel industry
In 40th international conference proceedings: Target breakthrough ideas, October 26-29, 1997, Washington, DC. Falls Church, VA: The Society.
1997 conference paper
Indian cotton textile industry?s competitive global position
1997 journal article
Information integration in the textile complex
1997 journal article
MRP, MRP II, ERP: What next?
APICS Newsletter, (1997 Aug.).