@article{murthy_goldfarb_2001, title={Effect of handling and water stress on water status and rooting of loblolly pine stem cuttings}, volume={21}, ISSN={["0169-4286"]}, DOI={10.1023/A:1012222207530}, number={3}, journal={NEW FORESTS}, author={Murthy, R and Goldfarb, B}, year={2001}, pages={217–230} } @inbook{dougherty_allen_kress_murthy_maier_albaugh_sampson_1998, title={An investigation of the impacts of elevated CO2, irrigation, and fertilization on the physiology and growth of loblolly pine}, ISBN={0387948511}, DOI={10.1007/978-1-4612-2178-4_9}, abstractNote={Southern pine forests that are dominated by loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) are the most intensively managed forests in the United States. They provide more than 50% of the total softwood being harvested annually in the United States and represent the first or second most economically important agricultural crops in nine of the twelve southeastern states (U.S. Department Agriculture Forest Service, 1988). Thus, any changes in environmental conditions that will alter productivity of these forests will have important ecological, economical, and sociological consequences. Over the past several decades, the environment of southeastern forests has been changing. Increases in acidic deposition (SO4 and NOx), nitrogen inputs (Husar, 1986), atmospheric CO2 concentration (Conway et al., 1988; Keeling et al., 1989), and tropospheric ozone have all been documented to parallel the increase in population since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Climate change has also been predicted for the southeastern United States for the future. Each of these atmospheric and climatic elements that are being altered by human activities has the potential to affect productivity of southern pine forests. Nutrient availability, water availability, atmospheric CO2 concentration, and temperature are presently the principal factors that are limiting the productivity of southern pine forests. Thus, it is extremely important that we understand how changes in these factors will interact to affect physiological processes of forest stands.}, booktitle={The productivity and sustainability of Southern forest ecosystems in a changing environment. (Ecological studies; 128)}, publisher={New York: Springer}, author={Dougherty, P. M. and Allen, Howard and Kress, L. W. and Murthy, R. and Maier, C. and Albaugh, T. J. and Sampson, D. A.}, editor={Mickler, R. A. and Fox, S.Editors}, year={1998}, pages={149–168} } @article{murthy_dougherty_1997, title={Effect of carbon dioxide, fertilization and irrigation on Loblolly pine branch morphology}, volume={11}, number={8}, journal={Trees (Berlin, Germany)}, author={Murthy, R. and Dougherty, P. M.}, year={1997}, pages={485–493} } @article{murthy_dougherty_1997, title={Estimating foliage area of Loblolly pine shoots}, volume={43}, number={2}, journal={Forest Science}, author={Murthy, R. and Dougherty, P. M.}, year={1997}, pages={299–303} } @article{murthy_zarnoch_dougherty_1997, title={Seasonal trends of light-saturated net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of loblolly pine trees grown in contrasting environments of nutrition, water and carbon dioxide}, volume={20}, ISSN={["1365-3040"]}, DOI={10.1111/j.1365-3040.1997.00085.x}, abstractNote={ABSTRACTRepeated measures analysis was used to evaluate the effect of long‐term CO2 enhancement on seasonal trends of light‐saturated rates of net photosynthesis (Asat) and stomatal conductance to water vapour (gsat) of 9‐year‐old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) trees grown in a 2 × 2 factorial experimental design of nutrition and water. A significant interaction effect of CO2 and nutrition on mean Asat was observed for juvenile foliage. Also, juvenile foliage exposed to +350 μmol mol−1 CO2 had a higher rate of increase of Asat between late summer and early autumn. This would lead to a greater potential for recharging carbohydrate reserves for winter. Mature foliage was affected by COsat, water and nutrient treatments in two ways. First, Asat was significantly increased as a result of elevated CO2 in January, a period when stomatal conductance was only 47% of the maximum observed rate. Secondly, the rate of increase of Asat from winter to early spring was accelerated as a result of both nutrient + water and + 350 μmol mol−1 CO2 treatments. This accelerated response resulted in a greater potential for photosynthate production during the period when growth initiation occurred. Nutrient, water or carbon dioxide treatments did not significantly alter trends in gsat for mature or juvenile foliage. A significant nutrition × CO2 interaction was observed for the mature foliage, suggesting that gsat increased with increasing CO2 and nutrition. These results may have important consequences for the determination of the water use efficiency of loblolly pine. In spite of low gsat in the winter to early spring period, there was a substantial gain in Asat attributable to elevated CO2 concentrations.}, number={5}, journal={PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT}, author={Murthy, R and Zarnoch, SJ and Dougherty, PM}, year={1997}, month={May}, pages={558–568} } @article{murthy_dougherty_zarnoch_allen_1996, title={Effects of carbon dioxide, fertilization, and irrigation on photosynthetic capacity of loblolly pine trees}, volume={16}, number={6}, journal={Tree Physiology}, author={Murthy, R. and Dougherty, P. M. and Zarnoch, S. J. and Allen, H. L.}, year={1996}, pages={537} }