Patricia A. Spears
Works (21)
2017 journal article
Postmastectomy radiotherapy: an american society of clinical oncology, american society for radiation oncology, and society of surgical oncology focused guideline update
Annals of Surgical Oncology, 24(1), 38–51.
2017 review
Randomized phase III trial evaluating the role of weight loss in adjuvant treatment of overweight and obese women with early breast cancer (Alliance A011401): study design
[Review of ]. npj Breast Cancer, 3.
2017 journal article
Regarding current recommendations for postmastectomy radiation therapy in patients with one to three positive axillary lymph nodes reply
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 35(11), 1258–1258.
2016 journal article
Listeria monocytogenes wall teichoic acid decoration in virulence and cell-to-cell spread

2016 journal article
Postmastectomy radiotherapy: An American Society of Clinical Oncology, American Society for Radiation Oncology, and Society of Surgical Oncology focused guideline update
Practical Radiation Oncology, 6(6), E219–234.
2015 personal communication
National guidelines and level of evidence: Comments on some of the new recommendations in the American Society of Clinical Oncology and the College of American Pathologists human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 guidelines for breast cancer reply
2014 journal article
Recommendations for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 testing in breast cancer American Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American Pathologists clinical practice guideline update
Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, 138(2), 241–256.
2013 journal article
Extrauterine Listeriosis in the gravid mouse influences embryonic growth and development
PLoS One, 8(8).
2013 journal article
Recommendations for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 testing in breast cancer: American Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American Pathologists clinical practice guideline update
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 31(31), 3997-.
2011 journal article
In Vitro Properties of a Listeria monocytogenes Bacteriophage-Resistant Mutant Predict Its Efficacy as a Live Oral Vaccine Strain
INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 79(12), 5001–5009.

2010 journal article
Adaptation in a Mouse Colony Monoassociated with Escherichia coli K-12 for More than 1,000 Days

2010 journal article
Factors Associated with the Acquisition and Severity of Gestational Listeriosis
PLOS ONE, 5(9).

2010 journal article
Identification and Characterization of Two Bordetella avium Gene Products Required for Hemagglutination
INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 78(6), 2370–2376.

2008 journal article
A Listeria monocytogenes mutant defective in bacteriophage attachment is attenuated in orally inoculated mice and impaired in enterocyte intracellular growth
INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 76(9), 4046–4054.

2003 journal article
Influence of pregnancy on the pathogenesis of listeriosis in mice inoculated intragastrically
INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 71(9), 5202–5209.

2003 journal article
The product of the fimI gene is necessary for Escherichia coli type 1 pilus biosynthesis
JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 185(16), 5007–5011.

2003 journal article
Unexpected similarities between Bordetella avium and other pathogenic bordetellae
INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 71(5), 2591–2597.

2002 article
Breast cancer prevention through the eyes of a survivor

2001 journal article
Characterization of Escherichia coli type 1 pilus mutants with altered binding specificities
JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 183(13), 4099–4102.

2000 journal article
A role for lipopolysaccharide in turkey tracheal colonization by Bordetella avium as demonstrated in vivo and in vitro

2000 journal article
Genetic characterization of Escherichia coli type 1 pilus adhesin mutants and identification of a novel binding phenotype
JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 182(14), 4012–4021.