@article{gorr_rider_wang_olmstead_leblanc_2006, title={A candidate juvenoid hormone receptor cis-element in the Daphnia magna hb2 hemoglobin gene promoter}, volume={247}, ISSN={["0303-7207"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.mce.2005.11.022}, abstractNote={Hemoglobin levels are significantly elevated in the crustacean Daphnia magna by juvenoid hormones. The present study was undertaken to identify the specific globin (hb) genes that are induced by juvenoids and to identify putative juvenoid response elements (JREs) that may mediate this induction. Gene product of globin 2 (hb2), but not globin 1 and globin 3, was robustly elevated following juvenoid treatment of daphnids. A candidate JRE, located in the promoter of hb2, bound activated factor(s) in response to juvenoid treatment of daphnids. This hormone-induced protein:JRE interaction was robust when daphnids were reared at high oxygen tension but was inhibited when daphnids were reared under low pO2, implying that hypoxia might act to disrupt juvenoid-mediated endocrine signaling. The candidate JRE consists of a steroid/retinoid-response element-like core adjacent to a 5′ AT-rich extension and thus bears resemblance to response elements that bind monomeric nuclear receptors. The induction of hb2 mRNA levels by juvenoid treatment occurred rapidly (within 4 h of exposure) and was not attenuated by treatment of daphnids with cycloheximide. In contrast, cycloheximide treatment did block hormone-mediated elevations in hemoglobin protein levels. Thus, induction of hb2 by juvenoids was not dependent upon the synthesis of secondary transcription factors that bound the JRE but was likely due to activation of the gene directly by the juvenoid-receptor complex. Affinity pull-down experiments with nuclear proteins extracted from juvenoid-treated daphnids using the JRE as bait yielded a 52 kDa candidate for a monomeric nuclear receptor in D. magna that may mediate the regulatory activity of juvenoids.}, number={1-2}, journal={MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY}, author={Gorr, TA and Rider, CV and Wang, HY and Olmstead, AW and LeBlanc, GA}, year={2006}, month={Mar}, pages={91–102} } @article{olmstead_leblanc_2005, title={Joint action of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Predictive modeling of sublethal toxicity}, volume={75}, ISSN={["1879-1514"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.aquatox.2005.08.007}, abstractNote={Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) typically contaminate the environment as complex assemblages of different chemical compounds. Modeling approaches provide a means of estimating the toxicity of these PAH mixtures. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that the joint effects of four PAHs: pyrene, phenanthrene, fluoranthene and naphthalene, on the growth rate of the crustacean Daphnia magna during sub-chronic exposure could be accurately predicted using a mathematical algorithm for concentration addition based upon the assumption that these PAHs impact growth by a common mode of action. Assessment of the individual toxicity of the four PAHs confirmed that these compounds elicited the common effect of retarding growth of daphnids at concentrations below those that were lethal to the organisms. Using the experimentally derived toxicity parameters for the individual chemicals, the toxicity of multiple mixtures of these four PAHs was modeled. These mixtures were based on concentrations reported in the environment and on equi-toxic concentrations. The effects of over 140 combinations of four mixture formulations on the growth rate of daphnids were experimentally determined and compared to model predictions. The concentration addition models tended to over predict the joint toxicity of these PAH mixtures and experimental data was better represented by an alternative model based upon the concept of independent joint action. Mixtures at environmentally relevant concentrations were predicted and experimentally demonstrated to have no effect on daphnid growth rates. Results indicate that PAHs elicit toxicity to daphnids by multiple mechanisms and demonstrate an appropriate modeling approach to assess the toxicity of these mixtures.}, number={3}, journal={AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY}, author={Olmstead, AW and LeBlanc, GA}, year={2005}, month={Nov}, pages={253–262} } @article{rider_gorr_olmstead_wasilak_leblanc_2005, title={Stress signaling: coregulation of hemoglobin and male sex determination through a terpenoid signaling pathway in a crustacean}, volume={208}, ISSN={["1477-9145"]}, DOI={10.1242/jeb.01343}, abstractNote={SUMMARY Environmental signals can activate neuro-endocrine cascades that regulate various physiological processes. In the present study, we demonstrate that two responses to environmental stress signaling in the crustacean Daphnia magna - hemoglobin accumulation and male offspring production - are co-elevated by the crustacean terpenoid hormone methyl farnesoate and several synthetic analogs. Potency of the hormones with respect to the induction of both hemoglobin and male offspring was highly correlated, suggesting that both processes are regulated by the same terpenoid signaling pathway. Six clones of the D. pulex/pulicaria species complex that were previously characterized as unable to produce male offspring and five clones that were capable of producing males were evaluated for both hemoglobin induction and male offspring production in response to methyl farnesoate. Four of the five male-producing clones produced both hemoglobin and male offspring in response to the hormone. Five of the six non-male-producing clones produced neither hemoglobin nor males in response to the hormone. These results provide additional evidence that both physiological processes are regulated by the same signaling pathway. Furthermore, the results indicate that the non-male-producing clones are largely defective in some methyl farnesoate signaling component, downstream from methyl farnesoate synthesis but upstream from the genes regulated by the hormone. A likely candidate for the site of the defect is the methyl farnesoate receptor. As a consequence of this defect,non-male-producing clones have lost their responsiveness to environmental signals that are transduced by this endocrine pathway. This defect in signaling would be likely to enhance population growth in stable environments due to the elimination of males from the population, assuming that other processes critical to population growth are not also compromised by this defect.}, number={1}, journal={JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY}, author={Rider, CV and Gorr, TA and Olmstead, AW and Wasilak, BA and Leblanc, GA}, year={2005}, month={Jan}, pages={15–23} } @article{wang_olmstead_li_leblanc_2005, title={The screening of chemicals for juvenoid-related endocrine activity using the water flea Daphnia magna}, volume={74}, ISSN={["1879-1514"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.aquatox.2005.05.010}, abstractNote={U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is charged with developing a screening and testing paradigm for detecting endocrine toxicity of chemicals that are subject to regulation under the Food Quality Protection and the Safe Drinking Water Acts. In this study, we developed and evaluated a screening assay that could be employed to detect juvenoid-related endocrine-modulating activity in an invertebrate species. Juvenoid activity, anti-juvenoid activity, and juvenoid potentiator activity of chemicals was assessed using the water flea Daphnia magna. Male sex determination is under the regulatory control of juvenoid hormone, presumably methyl farnesoate, and this endpoint was used to detect juvenoid modulating activity of chemicals. Eighteen chemicals were evaluated for juvenoid agonist activity. Positive responses were detected with the juvenoid hormones methyl farnesoate and juvenile hormone III along with the insect growth regulating insecticides pyriproxyfen, fenoxycarb, and methoprene. Weak juvenoid activity also was detected with the cyclodiene insecticide dieldrin. Assays performed repetitively with compounds that gave either strong positive, weak positive, or negative response were 100% consistent indicating that the assay is not prone to false positive or negative responses. Five candidate chemicals were evaluated for anti-juvenoid activity and none registered positive. Four chemicals (all trans-retinoic acid, methoprene, kinoprene, bisphenol A) also were evaluated for their ability to potentiate the activity of methyl farnesoate. All registered positive. Results demonstrate that an in vivo assay with a crustacean species customarily employed in toxicity testing can be used to effectively screen chemicals for juvenoid-modulating activity.}, number={3}, journal={AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY}, author={Wang, HY and Olmstead, AW and Li, H and LeBlanc, GA}, year={2005}, month={Sep}, pages={193–204} } @article{olmstead_leblanc_2005, title={Toxicity Assessment of Environmentally Relevant Pollutant Mixtures Using a Heuristic Model}, volume={1}, ISSN={["1551-3793"]}, DOI={10.1897/ieam_2004-005r.1}, abstractNote={AbstractIn this study, 9 chemicals were chosen from a recent report on surface water concentrations of a variety of xenobiotics to test the hypothesis that the toxicity of chemical mixtures could be estimated using a model based on the toxicity of the individual chemicals. Concentration‐response curves for the endpoints of lifespan, growth rate, and fecundity were generated for each chemical experimentally using the crustacean, Daphnia magna. From this data, a mathematical model for the combined toxicity of these chemicals was generated that merged the concepts of concentration addition and independent joint action. Toxicity of a mixture was modeled at various levels at which the ratio of the chemicals within the mixture was maintained at that reported for median detected environmental levels. Toxicity of the mixture was then determined experimentally and compared to model predictions. The model accurately predicted the most sensitive endpoint, as well as the lowest toxic effect level of the mixture. Results demonstrated that, for this mixture of chemicals, toxicity was not influenced significantly by interactions among the chemicals and a single constituent dominated toxicity. According to model predictions and experimental results, the median detected environmental concentrations of chemicals constituting this mixture provided no margin of safety.}, number={2}, journal={INTEGRATED ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT}, author={Olmstead, Allen W. and LeBlanc, Gerald A.}, year={2005}, month={Apr}, pages={114–122} } @misc{leblanc_olmstead_2004, title={Evaluating the toxicity of chemical mixtures}, volume={112}, ISSN={["0091-6765"]}, DOI={10.1289/ehp.112-a729}, abstractNote={Vol. 112, No. 13 PerspectivesOpen AccessEvaluating the Toxicity of Chemical Mixtures Gerald A. LeBlanc and Allen W. Olmstead Gerald A. LeBlanc and Allen W. Olmstead Published:1 September 2004https://doi.org/10.1289/ehp.112-a729Cited by:8AboutSectionsPDF ToolsDownload CitationsTrack Citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinked InReddit Tinwell and Ashby (2004) provided a detailed evaluation of the joint action of a mixture of estrogenic chemicals using the immature rat uterotrophic assay. The researchers demonstrated that a mixture of estrogenic chemicals in which each individual chemical was present in the mixture at levels approximating the no observed effect level (NOEL) elicited a measurable response. This work advances our understanding of the toxicity of endocrine-active substances, and Tinwell and Ashby are to be commended for providing detailed results of their experiments suitable for evaluation by others.The analysis of the data, however, stopped short of providing insights into the joint action of mixtures of endocrine disruptors. Tinwell and Ashby (2004) proposed three avenues for the analysis of the joint action of chemicals. The first, a simple addition-of-effects approach, is overly simplistic and unrealistic, as demonstrated by the authors. The second, graphic isobole analysis, was rejected by the authors for any mixture in excess of three chemicals. We concur that isobole analysis poses limitations for more complex mixtures of chemicals. The third, concentration addition, was deemed impractical by Tinwell and Ashby due to the requirement of detailed characterization of the concentration–response relationship of each chemical within the mixture. We agree that analysis of mixtures toxicity using concentration addition requires an understanding of the toxicity of the individual constituents within a mixture. However, we disagree that such a data requirement should discourage efforts to model and predict toxicity of chemical mixtures using this approach. Results reported by Tinwell and Ashby (2004), along with published data cited by the authors, provided sufficient information on the toxicity of the individual chemicals for us to accurately model the joint action of the mixture based upon concentration addition.The authors' recommendation that toxicity of chemical mixtures be directly assessed on a case-by-case basis (Tinwell and Ashby 2004) would provide a Band-Aid but not a cure to the dilemma of characterizing the hazards of chemical mixtures. Chemical mixtures are ever varying with respect to constituents and to concentrations of those constituents. Granted, the individual toxicity of many, if not most, chemicals has not been adequately evaluated to provide the concentration–response information required for the joint evaluation of toxicity. Rather than avoid such endeavors, the scientific community should mobilize to generate such data; the data should be made available in the public domain; and, alternative approaches (i.e., in vitro analyses of ligand–receptor interactions) should be explored as means to rapidly generate surrogate data for use in mixtures toxicity assessments. Thanks to the efforts of investigators such as Tinwell and Ashby, who are generous with the data they have generated, a growing database exists for estrogenic chemicals. Hopefully, key agencies (i.e., the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) will take the initiative to generate public-domain databases on chemicals harboring other mechanisms of toxicity. With such data resources, we may someday have the ability to routinely model the toxicity of chemical mixtures.ReferencesTinwell H, Ashby J. 2004. Sensitivity of the immature rat uterotrophic assay to mixtures of estrogens. 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Crofton K (2008) Thyroid disrupting chemicals: mechanisms and mixtures, International Journal of Andrology, 10.1111/j.1365-2605.2007.00857.x, 31:2, (209-223), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2008. Crofton K, Craft E, Hedge J, Gennings C, Simmons J, Carchman R, Carter W and DeVito M (2005) Thyroid-Hormone–Disrupting Chemicals: Evidence for Dose-Dependent Additivity or Synergism, Environmental Health Perspectives, 113:11, (1549-1554), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2005. Vol. 112, No. 13 September 2004Metrics About Article Metrics Publication History Originally published1 September 2004Published in print1 September 2004 Financial disclosuresPDF download License information EHP is an open-access journal published with support from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health. All content is public domain unless otherwise noted. Note to readers with disabilities EHP strives to ensure that all journal content is accessible to all readers. However, some figures and Supplemental Material published in EHP articles may not conform to 508 standards due to the complexity of the information being presented. If you need assistance accessing journal content, please contact [email protected]. Our staff will work with you to assess and meet your accessibility needs within 3 working days.}, number={13}, journal={ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES}, author={LeBlanc, GA and Olmstead, AW}, year={2004}, month={Sep}, pages={A729–A730} } @article{thompson_young_edens_olmstead_leblanc_hodgson_roe_2004, title={Non-target toxicology of a new mosquito larvicide, trypsin modulating oostatic factor}, volume={80}, ISSN={["1095-9939"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.pestbp.2004.06.009}, abstractNote={Trypsin modulating oostatic factor (TMOF), a peptide hormone originally isolated from the ovaries of adult Aedes aegypti, is currently under commercial development as a new pesticide chemistry with a novel mode of action for the control of larval mosquitoes. The objective of the current research is to evaluate potential risks of the use of TMOF as an insecticide on non-target organisms. TMOF (YDPAP6) was degraded in vitro (as determined by HPLC and LC/MS) to DPAP6, PAP6, and then AP6 by leucine aminopeptidase, a pancreatic enzyme found in the digestive system of vertebrates. The rate of degradation of TMOF and PAP6 was significantly greater than that of DPAP6, while no metabolism of AP6 was found. TMOF technical insecticide was produced on a commercial scale by recombinant yeast (heat-killed before application). The technical TMOF when administered in a single dose by gavage to male and female mice at 2000 mg dry weight/kg body weight produced no negative effects as compared to controls up to 12 days after treatment. When male and female mallard ducks were treated by gavage with 1250 mg dry weight of technical TMOF/kg body weight each day for 5 days, again no toxic effects were noted through 35 days after the last treatment. TMOF technical insecticide was also applied to the shaved skin of male and female rabbits at the rate of 2000 mg/kg for 1–2 days, with no effect. The end point observations in these in vivo experiments were mortality; changes in growth rate, behavior, body structure, and color; and possible lesions observed during necropsy. Finally, Daphnia incubated with technical TMOF in rearing water at the level of 1.0 × 106 yeast cells/ml (10 mg/ml) also demonstrated no negative effects on mortality, growth, molting, time to first brood, and production of viable neonates. It appears from these studies that TMOF can be degraded by vertebrate digestive proteases and technical TMOF is not toxic to the non-target organisms examined.}, number={3}, journal={PESTICIDE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY}, author={Thompson, DM and Young, HP and Edens, FW and Olmstead, AW and LeBlanc, GA and Hodgson, E and Roe, RM}, year={2004}, month={Nov}, pages={131–142} } @article{olmstead_leblanc_2003, title={Insecticidal juvenile hormone analogs stimulate the production of male offspring in the crustacean Daphnia magna}, volume={111}, ISSN={["0091-6765"]}, DOI={10.1289/ehp.5982}, abstractNote={Juvenile hormone analogs (JHAs) represent a class of insecticides that were designed specifically to disrupt endocrine-regulated processes relatively unique to insects. Recently we demonstrated that the crustacean juvenoid hormone methyl farnesoate programs oocytes of the crustacean Daphnia magna to develop into males. We hypothesized that insecticidal JHAs might mimic the action of methyl farnesoate, producing altered sex ratios of offspring. Daphnids were exposed chronically (3 weeks) to sublethal concentrations of methyl farnesoate, the JHA pyriproxyfen, and several nonjuvenoid chemicals to discern whether excess male offspring production is a generic response to stress or a specific response to juvenoid hormones. Only methyl farnesoate and pyriproxyfen increased the percentage of males produced by exposed maternal organisms. As previously reported with methyl farnesoate, acute exposure (24 hr) to either pyriproxyfen or the JHA methoprene caused oocytes maturing in the ovary to develop into males. We performed experiments to determine whether combined effects of a JHA and methyl farnesoate conformed better to a model of concentration addition (indicative of same mechanism of action) or independent joint action (indicative of different mechanisms of action). Combined effects conformed better to the concentration-addition model, although some synergy, of unknown etiology, was evident between the insecticides and the hormone. These experiments demonstrate that insecticidal JHAs mimic the action of the crustacean juvenoid hormone methyl farnesoate, resulting in the inappropriate production of male offspring. The occurrence of such an effect in the environment could have dire consequences on susceptible crustacean populations.}, number={7}, journal={ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES}, author={Olmstead, AW and LeBlanc, GA}, year={2003}, month={Jun}, pages={919–924} } @article{olmstead_leblanc_2002, title={Juvenoid hormone methyl farnesoate is a sex determinant in the crustacean Daphnia magna}, volume={293}, ISSN={["0022-104X"]}, DOI={10.1002/jez.10162}, abstractNote={AbstractDaphnids (Daphnia magna) utilize cyclic parthenogenesis as a reproductive strategy. During periods of abundant resources, these organisms reproduce asexually. In response to environmental cues that signal the onset of environmental adversity, daphnids produce males and reproduce sexually. The environmental cues that stimulate the sexual reproductive phase are well known; however, the endocrine signals that transduce these environmental cues remain unknown. The present study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that the crustacean juvenoid hormone, methyl farnesoate, is a male sex determinant in this species. Continuous exposure to aqueous concentrations of methyl farnesoate greater than approximately 30 nM stimulated a concentration‐dependent production of male‐containing broods of organisms. Short‐term exposures to methyl farnesoate during periods of egg and embryo maturation revealed that male sex determination occurred during a specific 12‐hour period of ovarian egg development. Exposure of eggs to 400 nM methyl farnesoate during this sensitive developmental period resulted in the production of all‐male broods of offspring, while exposure to concentrations as low as 52 nM produced mixed broods of males and females. This active concentration range of methyl farnesoate is consistent with levels measured in the hemolymph of some decapod crustaceans. These results demonstrate that methyl farnesoate is capable of programming daphnid embryos to develop into males and is likely the endocrine factor responsible for initiating the sexual reproductive phase in these organisms. J. Exp. Zool. 736–739, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.}, number={7}, journal={JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY}, author={Olmstead, AW and Leblanc, GA}, year={2002}, month={Dec}, pages={736–739} } @article{olmstead_le blanc_2001, title={Low Exposure Concentration Effects of Methoprene on Endocrine-Regulated Processes in the Crustacean Daphnia magna}, volume={62}, ISSN={1096-0929}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/toxsci/62.2.268}, DOI={10.1093/toxsci/62.2.268}, abstractNote={Methoprene is a growth-regulating insecticide that manifests its toxicity to target organisms by acting as a juvenile hormone agonist. Methoprene similarly may exert toxicity to crustaceans by mimicking or interfering with methyl farnesoate, a crustacean juvenoid. We hypothesized that methoprene interferes with endocrine-regulated processes in crustaceans by several mechanisms involving agonism or antagonism of juvenoid receptor complexes. In the present study, we evaluated this hypothesis, in part, by characterizing and comparing the concentration-response curves for methoprene and several endpoints related to development and reproduction of the crustacean Daphnia magna. Our results demonstrate that methoprene has multiple mechanisms of toxicity and low-exposure concentration effects. Methoprene reduced the growth rate of daphnids with evidence of only a single concentration-response line, having a threshold of 12.6 nM. Molt frequency was reduced by methoprene in a concentration-dependent manner, with a response curve corresponding to a 2-segmented line and thresholds at 4.2 and 0.21 nM. An endpoint related to reproductive maturation, the time of first brood deposition, was also affected by methoprene, with a clear concentration-dependent response and a NOEC of 32 nM. Methoprene reduced fecundity according to a 2-segmented line, with thresholds of 24 and < or =0.18 nM. These results demonstrate that methoprene elicits significant toxicity to endocrine-related processes in the 5-50 nM concentration range. Furthermore, molting and reproduction were impacted at significantly lower methoprene concentrations, with a distinct concentration response and a threshold of < or =0.2 nM. The different concentration-dependent response from that of methoprene could involve agonism or antagonism of various juvenoid receptor configurations.}, number={2}, journal={Toxicological Sciences}, publisher={Oxford University Press (OUP)}, author={Olmstead, A.W. and Le Blanc, G.A}, year={2001}, month={Aug}, pages={268–273} } @article{olmstead_leblanc_2001, title={Temporal and quantitative changes in sexual reproductive cycling of the cladoceran Daphnia magna by a juvenile hormone analog}, volume={290}, ISSN={["0022-104X"]}, DOI={10.1002/jez.1044}, abstractNote={AbstractCyclic parthenogens, such as the cladoceran, Daphnia magna, utilize both asexual (parthenogenetic) and sexual reproduction in order to maximize population fitness in variable environments. Parthenogenetic reproduction is the default strategy among D. magna, while various environmental cues trigger cycles of sexual reproduction. Experiments were conducted with the juvenile hormone analog methoprene to test the hypothesis that members of the insect juvenile hormone/vertebrate retinoic acid family of transcription factors are involved in the regulation of sexual reproduction in daphnids. Neither methoprene, food reduction, or crowding independently stimulated entry into the sexual reproductive phase of the daphnids. However, the combination of food deprivation and crowding stimulated entry into the sexual reproductive phase characterized by an initial high production of males and the subsequent intermittent production of haploid egg‐containing ephippia. Exposure to 160 nM methoprene along with food deprivation and crowding caused a significant reduction in the percentage of males produced during the early phase of the sexual cycle and significantly increased the percentage of males produced during the later stages of the cycle. Methoprene concentrations as low as 6.4 nM significantly reduced the number of resting eggs produced and proportionately increased the production of parthenogenetically‐produced neonates. These experiments demonstrate that methoprene uncouples the coordinate production of males and resting eggs during the sexual reproductive period of D. magna. Methoprene stimulates male offspring production and defers their production to latter stages of the sexual reproductive period, while inhibiting the production of resting eggs and promoting the continuance of parthenogenetic reproduction. J. Exp. Zool. 290:148–155, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.}, number={2}, journal={JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY}, author={Olmstead, AW and LeBlanc, GA}, year={2001}, month={Jul}, pages={148–155} } @article{olmstead_leblanc_2000, title={Effects of endocrine-active chemicals on the development of sex characteristics of Daphnia magna}, volume={19}, ISSN={["1552-8618"]}, DOI={10.1897/1551-5028(2000)019<2107:EOEACO>2.3.CO;2}, number={8}, journal={ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY}, author={Olmstead, AW and LeBlanc, GA}, year={2000}, month={Aug}, pages={2107–2113} }