Works (19)
2005 journal article
Chinua Achebe and the deep dance
ALA Bulletin (American Library Association), 36(4), 37–42.
2004 article
After September 11: Truth in the nebula of global politics
SIGNS, Vol. 29, pp. 607–611.
2002 journal article
Fontomfrom: contemporary ghanaian literature, film and theater
Jouvert : A Journal of Postcolonial Studies.
2002 book
The womb in the heart & other poems
The womb in the heart & other poems. San Francisco: African Heritage Press.
2000 review
Africa Wo/man Palava: The Nigerian novel by women
[Review of ]. Signs, 26(1), 277–279.
2000 review
For women and the Nation: Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti of Nigeria.
[Review of ]. Signs, 26(1), 277–279.
1999 chapter
In T. Ojaide & T. M. Sallah (Eds.), The new African poetry: An anthology (pp. 187–190). Boulder, Colo: Lynne Reinner Publishers.
Ed(s): . T. Ojaide & T. Sallah
1999 review
Echoing silences
[Review of ]. World Literature Today, 73(4), 805–806.
1999 chapter
In T. Ojaide & T. M. Sallah (Eds.), The new African poetry: An anthology (pp. 187–190). Boulder, Colo: Lynne Reinner Publishers.
Ed(s): . T. Ojaide & T. Sallah
1999 review
The Predicament
[Review of ]. World Literature Today, 73(1), 200.
1998 review
Awaiting Court Martial, by F. Iyayi
[Review of ]. World Literature Today, 72(1), 189–190.
1998 chapter
Ivory befits her ankles
In Emerging perspectives on flora Nwapa (p. 28). Trenton: Africa World Press.
1998 chapter
The lake goddess: The root of Nwapa's word
In Emerging perspectives on flora Nwapa (pp. 335–352). Trenton: Africa World Press.
1998 chapter
Thinking Igbo, thinking African
In Sisterhood, feminisms, and power: From Africa to the diaspora (pp. 393–396). Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press.
1997 review
Drums and the Voice of Death. N. Nkala
[Review of ]. World Literature Today, 71(2), 441.
1997 chapter
In African new voices. Harlow: Longman.
1997 chapter
The elephant's war
In African new voices. Harlow: Longman.
1997 book
Voices from deep water
Lagos: Malthouse Press.
1997 chapter
What freedom
In African new voices. Harlow: Longman.