Works (5)
2003 journal article
On migration load of seeds and pollen grains in a local population
HEREDITY, 90(2), 162–168.

2002 journal article
Linking evolutionary quantitative genetics to the conservation of genetic resources in natural forest populations
Silvae Genetica, 51(5-6), 177–183.
2002 journal article
Seed and pollen flow and cline discordance among genes with different modes of inheritance
Heredity, 88(2002 Mar), 212–217.
2001 journal article
Assessment of the ratio of pollen to seed flow in a cline for genetic variation in a quantitative trait
HEREDITY, 87, 400–409.

2000 review
Molecular genetics and developmental physiology: Implications for designing better forest crops
[Review of ]. CRITICAL REVIEWS IN PLANT SCIENCES, 19(5), 377–393.