Works (2)
2002 article
Use of vagal nerve stimulation as a treatment for refractory epilepsy in dogs
Munana, K. R., Vitek, S. M., Tarver, W. B., Saito, M., Skeen, T. M., Sharp, N. J. H., … Haglund, M. M. (2002, October 1). JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Vol. 221, pp. 977–983.
Contributors: K. Muñana n , n, W. Tarver n, M. Saito n, T. Skeen n, N. Sharp n, N. Olby n , M. Haglund n

2001 journal article
Infection of Fetal Feline Brain Cells in Culture with Bartonella henselae
Infection and Immunity, 69(1), 564–569.
Contributors: K. Muñana n , n, B. Hegarty n, D. Kordick n & E. Breitschwerdt n