@article{need_attix_mcevoy_cirulli_linney_wagoner_gumbs_giegling_moeller_francks_et al._2008, title={Failure to replicate effect of Kibra on human memory in two large cohorts of European origin}, volume={147B}, ISSN={["1552-485X"]}, DOI={10.1002/ajmg.b.30658}, abstractNote={AbstractIt was recently suggested that the Kibra polymorphism rs17070145 has a strong effect on multiple episodic memory tasks in humans. We attempted to replicate this using two cohorts of European genetic origin (n = 319 and n = 365). We found no association with either the original SNP or a set of tagging SNPs in the Kibra gene with multiple verbal memory tasks, including one that was an exact replication (Auditory Verbal Learning Task, AVLT). These results suggest that Kibra does not have a strong and general effect on human memory. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.}, number={5}, journal={AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS PART B-NEUROPSYCHIATRIC GENETICS}, author={Need, Anna C. and Attix, Deborah K. and McEvoy, Jill M. and Cirulli, Elizabeth T. and Linney, Kristen N. and Wagoner, Ana Patricia and Gumbs, Curtis E. and Giegling, Ina and Moeller, Hans-Juergen and Francks, Clyde and et al.}, year={2008}, month={Jul}, pages={667–668} } @article{ashton_wagoner_carrillo_gibson_2001, title={Quantitative trait loci for the monoamine-related traits heart rate and headless behavior in Drosophila melanogaster}, volume={157}, number={1}, journal={Genetics}, author={Ashton, K. and Wagoner, A. P. and Carrillo, R. and Gibson, G.}, year={2001}, pages={283–294} }