@article{qu_shih_scattergood_2002, title={Development of the cylindrical wire electrical discharge machining process, part 1: Concept, design, and material removal rate}, volume={124}, ISSN={["1528-8935"]}, DOI={10.1115/1.1475321}, abstractNote={Results of applying the wire Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) process to generate precise cylindrical forms on hard, difficult-to-machine materials are presented. The design of a precise, flexible, and corrosion-resistant underwater rotary spindle is first introduced. A detailed spindle error analysis identifies the major sources of error at different frequency spectrum. The spindle has been added to a conventional two-axis wire EDM machine to enable the generation of free-form cylindrical geometries. The mathematical model for material removal rate of the free-form cylindrical wire EDM process is derived. Experiments were conducted to explore the maximum material removal rate for cylindrical and 2D wire EDM of carbide and brass work-materials. Compared to the conventional 2D wire EDM of the same work-material, higher maximum material removal rates may be achieved in the cylindrical wire EDM, possibly due to better debris flushing condition.}, number={3}, journal={JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME}, author={Qu, J and Shih, AJ and Scattergood, RO}, year={2002}, month={Aug}, pages={702–707} } @article{qu_shih_scattergood_2002, title={Development of the cylindrical wire electrical discharge machining process, part 2: Surface integrity and roundness}, volume={124}, ISSN={["1087-1357"]}, DOI={10.1115/1.1475989}, abstractNote={This study investigates the surface integrity and roundness of parts created by the cylindrical wire EDM process. A mathematical model for the arithmetic average surface roughness on the ideal surface of a cylindrical wire EDM workpiece is first derived. Effects of wire feed rate and part rotational speed on the surface finish and roundness for brass and carbide work-materials at high material removal rates are investigated. The pulse on-time and wire feed rate are varied to explore the best possible surface finish and roundness achievable by the cylindrical wire EDM process. This study has demonstrated that, for carbide parts, an arithmetic average surface roughness and roundness as low as 0.68 and 1.7 μm, respectively, can be achieved. Surfaces of the cylindrical EDM parts were examined using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to identify the macro-ridges and craters on the surface. Cross-sections of the EDM parts are examined using the SEM to quantify the sub-surface recast layers and heat-affected zones under various process parameters. This study has demonstrated that the cylindrical wire EDM process parameters can be adjusted to achieve either high material removal rate or good surface integrity and roundness.}, number={3}, journal={JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME}, author={Qu, J and Shih, AJ and Scattergood, RO}, year={2002}, month={Aug}, pages={708–714} } @article{qu_riester_shih_scattergood_lara-curzio_watkins_2003, title={Nanoindentation characterization of surface layers of electrical discharge machined WC-Co}, volume={344}, ISSN={["0921-5093"]}, DOI={10.1016/s0921-5093(02)00395-7}, abstractNote={This study applies nanoindentation and other analysis techniques to investigate the influence of wire electrical discharge machining (EDM) process on the structure and properties of machined surface layers of WC–Co composites. Multiple indents were conducted on the cross-section of the surface recast layer, sub-surface heat-affected zone, and bulk material. The energy disperse X-ray spectrometry and X-ray diffraction were used to analyze the material compositions in the heat-affected zone and recast layer and to study the electrical spark eroded surface. The indents were inspected by scanning electron microscopy to distinguish between regular and irregular indents in these three regions. Irregular indents were caused by the porosity, soft matrix material, separation of grain boundaries, and thermal cracks caused by EDM process. The hardness and modulus of elasticity obtained from regular indents in bulk material and heat-affected zone were comparable to those of WC. It was found that the recast layer had lower hardness and modulus of elasticity than the bulk material and heat-affected zone.}, number={1-2}, journal={MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING}, author={Qu, J and Riester, L and Shih, AJ and Scattergood, RO and Lara-Curzio, E and Watkins, TR}, year={2003}, month={Mar}, pages={125–131} } @article{qu_sarma_2000, title={Least-square curve and surface localization for shape conformance checking.}, volume={19}, number={5}, journal={Journal of Manufacturing Systems}, author={Qu, J. and Sarma, R.}, year={2000}, pages={297–304} }