Lisa Marie Ferguson
Works (8)
2008 journal article
Economic evaluation of methyl bromide alternatives for the production of tomatoes in North Carolina
HortTechnology, 18(4), 705–713.
2007 journal article
Population dynamics of Trichoderma in fumigated and compost-amended soil and on strawberry roots
APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY, 35(1), 237–246.

2007 journal article
Strawberry growth and productivity in fumigated compared to compost-amended production systems
HortScience, 42(2), 227–231.
2007 journal article
Temporal variation in Setosphaeria turcica between 1974 and 1994 and origin of races 1, 23, and 23N in the United States
PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 97(11), 1501–1511.

2006 journal article
Economic evaluation of methyl bromide alternatives for the production of strawberries in the southeastern United States
HortTechnology, 16(1), 118–128.
2004 journal article
Evaluation of Trichoderma strains as biocontrol tools for integrated management of strawberry root rot
Proceedings of a Meeting of the WGs : Management of Plant Diseases and Arthropod Pests by BCAs and Their Integration in Agriculture Systems at S. Michele All'Adige, Trentino, Italy, 9-13 June 2004.
Ed(s): I. Y. Elad & A. Enkegaard
2004 journal article
Spatial diversity of Setosphaeria turcica sampled from the eastern United States
PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 94(8), 892–900.

2001 journal article
Wheat straw mulch and its impacts on three soilborne pathogens of peanut in microplots
PLANT DISEASE, 85(6), 661–667.