2004 journal article
Fluoxetine-treated male wrasses exhibit low AVT expression
BRAIN RESEARCH, 1029(2), 141–147.
2004 journal article
Multiple mechanisms of phenotype development in the bluehead wrasse
HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR, 45(5), 345–353.
2003 journal article
Fluoxetine treatment decreases territorial aggression in a coral reef fish
PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR, 79(4-5), 719–724.
2003 journal article
Social influences on the arginine vasotocin system are independent of gonads in a sex-changing fish
Journal of Neuroscience, 23(10), 4386–4393.
2002 conference paper
Multiple mechanisms for phenotype development
Integrative and Comparative Biology, 42(6), 1309.
2001 journal article
Manipulations of the AVT system shift social status and related courtship and aggressive behavior in the bluehead wrasse
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