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Works (27)
2011 journal article
Do ICDPs Work? An Empirical Evaluation of Forest-Based Microenterprises in the Brazilian Amazon
LAND ECONOMICS, 87(4), 661–681.

2008 webpage
The influence of forest management on vulnerability to severe weather
(J. Pye & Y. Sands, Eds.).
Ed(s): J. Pye & Y. Sands
2006 journal article
Abordagens analaticas na avaliacao de impactos reais de programas de conservacao
Megadiversidade, 2(1-2), 39–49.
2006 journal article
Deforestation, malaria and poverty: a call for transdisciplinary research to support the design of cross-sectoral policies
Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy, 2(2), 45–56.

2006 journal article
Forest livelihoods and iron ore mines in Orissa, India
Sylvanet, 19(1).
2006 journal article
Money for nothing? A call for empirical evaluation of biodiversity conservation investments
PLOS BIOLOGY, 4(4), 482–488.

2006 chapter
Tropical trade-offs: an economic perspective on tropical forests
In S. Spray & K. McGlothlin (Eds.), Tropical Deforestation. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Ed(s): S. Spray & K. McGlothlin
2005 journal article
Econometric studies of non-industrial private forest management a review and synthesis
Forest Policy and Economics, 7(3), 261–281.
2005 journal article
Spatial complementarity of forests and farms: Accounting for ecosystem services

2004 journal article
Reflections on West Africa
Sylvanet, 17(1), 17.
2004 journal article
Seeing the forest for the fuel
Environment and Development Economics, 9(2004 Apr), 155–179.
2003 chapter
Aggregate timber supply
In E. O. Sills & K. L. Abt (Eds.), Forests in a market economy.
Ed(s): . E. O. Sills & K. Abt

2003 chapter
Agroforestry adoption by smallholders
In E. O. Sills & K. L. Abt (Eds.), Forests in a market economy. Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Ed(s): . E. O. Sills & K. Abt
2003 chapter
Forest ecosystem services as production inputs
In E. O. Sills & K. L. Abt (Eds.), Forests in a market economy. Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Ed(s): . E. O. Sills & K. Abt
2003 journal article
Local uses of parks: uncovering patterns of household production from the forests of Siberut, Indonesia
Conservation and Society, 1(2), 209–222.
2003 chapter
Nontimber forest products in the rural household economy
In E. O. Sills & K. L. Abt (Eds.), Forests in a market economy.
Ed(s): . E. O. Sills & K. Abt
2003 journal article
Policy innovations for private forest management and conservation in costa rica
Journal of Forestry, 101(5), 18–23.
2003 journal article
Taking stock of agroforestry adoption studies
Agroforestry Systems, 57, 173–186.
2003 chapter
Timber and amenities on nonindustrial private forest land
In E. O. Sills & K. L. Abt (Eds.), Forests in a market economy.
Ed(s): . E. O. Sills & K. Abt *
2002 journal article
Benefit transfer via preference calibration: "Prudential algebra" for policy
LAND ECONOMICS, 78(1), 132–152.

2002 journal article
How joint is joint forest production? An econometric analysis of timber supply conditional on endogenous amenity values
Forest Science, 48(3), 479–491.
2002 journal article
Is meta-analysis a Noah's ark for non-market valuation?
Environmental and Resource Economics, 22(1-2), 271–296.
2002 journal article
North Carolina's natural heritage program: A case for public- private cooperation
Journal of Forestry, 100(5), 16–23.
2002 chapter
Spatial sssessment of a voluntary forest conservation rogramme in North Carolina
In B. C. L. Teeter & D. Zhang (Eds.), Forest Policy for Private Forestry: Global and Regional Challenges (pp. 129–141).
Ed(s): B. L. Teeter & D. Zhang

2001 conference paper
Adopting agroforestry
In D. Zhang & S. Mehmood (Eds.), Proceedings of the Southern Forest Economics Workshop.
Ed(s): D. Zhang & S. Mehmood
2001 conference paper
Local uses of parks: economic contributions of forest products
In D. Zhang & S. Mehmood (Eds.), Proceedings of the Southern Forest Economics Workshop.
Ed(s): D. Zhang & S. Mehmood
2000 conference paper
Weak complementarity and ecosystem benefits estimation: soil conservation in Flores, Indonesia
Proceedings of the 2000 Southern Forest Economics Workshop. University of Arkansas, Monticello.