Works (6)
2005 journal article
Conserved spacing between the box C/D and C '/D ' RNPs of the archaeal box C/D sRNP complex is required for efficient 2 '-O-methylation of target RNAs
RNA, 11(3), 285–293.

2005 journal article
The crystal structure of the Methanocaldococcus jannaschii multifunctional L7Ae RNA-binding protein reveals an induced-fit interaction with the box C/D RNAs
BIOCHEMISTRY, 44(28), 9657–9672.

2004 journal article
Evolutionary origins of the RNA-guided nucleotide-modification complexes: from the primitive translation apparatus?
Tran, E., Brown, J., & Maxwell, E. S. (2004, July). TRENDS IN BIOCHEMICAL SCIENCES, Vol. 29, pp. 343–350.

2004 journal article
Sequential 2 '-O-methylation of archaeal pre-tRNA(Trp) nucleotides is guided by the intron-encoded but trans-acting box c/D ribonucleoprotein of pre-tRNA

2003 journal article
Efficient RNA 2 '-O-methylation requires juxtaposed and symmetrically assembled archaeal box C/D and C '/D ' RNPs
EMBO JOURNAL, 22(15), 3930–3940.

2002 journal article
Archaeal ribosomal protein L7 is a functional homolog of the eukaryotic 15.5kD/Snu13p snoRNP core protein
Nucleic Acids Research, 30(4), 931–941.