@article{maris_lee_2003, title={Chiral symmetry breaking in (2+1) dimensional QED}, volume={119}, DOI={10.1016/S0920-5632(03)01683-9}, number={2003 May}, journal={Nuclear Physics. B, Proceedings, Supplements}, author={Maris, P. and Lee, D.}, year={2003}, pages={784–786} } @misc{maris_roberts_2003, title={Dyson-Schwinger equations: A tool for hadron physics}, volume={12}, ISSN={["1793-6608"]}, DOI={10.1142/S0218301303001326}, abstractNote={ Dyson–Schwinger equations furnish a Poincaré covariant framework within which to study hadrons. A particular feature is the existence of a nonperturbative, symmetry preserving truncation that enables the proof of exact results. The gap equation reveals that dynamical chiral symmetry breaking is tied to the long-range behavior of the strong interaction, which is thereby constrained by observables, and the pion is precisely understood, and seen to exist simultaneously as a Goldstone mode and a bound state of strongly dressed quarks. The systematic error associated with the simplest truncation has been quantified, and it underpins a one-parameter model efficacious in describing an extensive body of mesonic phenomena. Incipient applications to baryons have brought successes and encountered challenges familiar from early studies of mesons, and promise a covariant field theory upon which to base an understanding of contemporary large momentum transfer data. }, number={3}, journal={INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS E}, author={Maris, P and Roberts, CD}, year={2003}, month={Jun}, pages={297–365} } @article{maris_raya_roberts_schmidt_2003, title={Facets of confinement and dynamical chiral symmetry breaking}, volume={18}, number={2-3}, journal={European Physical Journal. A, Hadrons and Nuclei}, author={Maris, P. and Raya, A. and Roberts, C. D. and Schmidt, S. M.}, year={2003}, pages={231–235} } @article{cotanch_maris_2003, title={Ladder Dyson-Schwinger calculation of the anomalous gamma-3 pi form factor}, volume={68}, ISSN={["2470-0029"]}, DOI={10.1103/physrevd.68.036006}, abstractNote={The anomalous processes, \gamma \to 3 \pi and \gamma \pi \to \pi\pi, are investigated within the Dyson-Schwinger framework using the rainbow-ladder approximation. Calculations reveal that a complete set of ladder diagrams beyond the impulse approximation are necessary to reproduce the fundamental low-energy theorem for the anomalous form factor. Higher momentum calculations also agree with the limited form factor data and exhibit the same resonance behavior as the phenomenological vector meson dominance model.}, number={3}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW D}, author={Cotanch, SR and Maris, P}, year={2003}, month={Aug} } @article{lee_maris_2003, title={Massless three-dimensional Qed with explicit fermions}, volume={67}, number={7}, journal={Physical Review. D, Particles and Fields}, author={Lee, D. and Maris, P.}, year={2003}, pages={076002–1} } @article{jarecke_maris_tandy_2003, title={Strong decays of light vector mesons}, volume={67}, number={3}, journal={Physical Review. C, Nuclear Physics}, author={Jarecke, D. and Maris, P. and Tandy, P. C.}, year={2003}, pages={035202–1} } @article{bicudo_cotanch_llanes-estrada_maris_ribeiro_szczepaniak_2002, title={Chirally symmetric quark description of low energy pi-pi scattering}, volume={65}, ISSN={["0556-2821"]}, DOI={10.1103/physrevd.65.076008}, abstractNote={Weinberg’s theorem for π-π scattering, including the Adler zero at threshold in the chiral limit, is analyticall proved for microscopic quark models that preserve chiral symmetry. Implementing Ward-Takahashi identities, the isospin 0 and 2 scattering lengths are derived in exact agreement with Weinberg’s low energy results. Our proof applies to alternative quark formulations including the Hamiltonian and Euclidean space Dyson-Schwinger approaches. Finally, the threshold π-π scattering amplitudes are calculated using the Dyson- Schwinger equations in the rainbow-ladder truncation, confirming the formal derivation.}, number={7}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW D}, author={Bicudo, P and Cotanch, S and Llanes-Estrada, F and Maris, P and Ribeiro, E and Szczepaniak, A}, year={2002}, month={Apr} } @article{maris_2002, title={Effective masses of diquarks}, volume={32}, ISSN={["1432-5411"]}, DOI={10.1007/s00601-002-0111-7}, abstractNote={We study meson and diquark bound states using the rainbow-ladder truncation of QCD’s Dyson-Schwinger equations. The infrared strength of the rainbow-ladder kernel is described by two parameters. The ultraviolet behavior is fixed by the one-loop renormalization group behavior of QCD, which ensures the correct asymptotic behavior of the Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes and brings important qualitative benefits. The diquark with the lowest mass is the scalar, followed by the axialvector and pseudoscalar diquark. This ordering can be anticipated from the meson sector.}, number={1-2}, journal={FEW-BODY SYSTEMS}, author={Maris, P}, year={2002}, pages={41–52} } @article{maris_tandy_2002, title={Electromagnetic transition form factors of light mesons}, volume={65}, number={4}, journal={Physical Review. C, Nuclear Physics}, author={Maris, P. and Tandy, P. C.}, year={2002}, pages={045211–1} } @article{cotanch_maris_2002, title={QCD based quark description of pi-pi scattering up to the sigma and rho regions}, volume={66}, ISSN={["1550-2368"]}, DOI={10.1103/physrevd.66.116010}, abstractNote={We study forward and backward pi-pi scattering within a QCD model based on the Dyson--Schwinger, Bethe--Salpeter equations truncated to the rainbow-ladder level. Our microscopic relativistic quark formulation preserves chiral symmetry and reproduces the observed scattering lengths for total isospin zero, one and two. At higher energies both scalar and vector meson resonances naturally occur in the scattering amplitudes. We also report a comparative study with phenomenological meson-exchange models and find such approaches are reasonable especially near pi-pi resonances.}, number={11}, journal={PHYSICAL REVIEW D}, author={Cotanch, SR and Maris, P}, year={2002}, month={Dec} }