Works (7)
2007 journal article
Laboratory simulation of impact loading on laminated glass for ice hockey arenas
2005 journal article
Rectangular filament-wound glass fiber reinforced polymer tubes filled with concrete under flexural and axial loading: Analytical modeling
Journal of Composites for Construction, 9(1), 34–43.

2005 journal article
Rectangular filament-wound glass fiber reinforced polymer tubes filled with concrete under flexural and axial loading: Experimental investigation
Journal of Composites for Construction, 9(1), 25–33.

2003 journal article
Large scale testing and analysis of hybrid concrete /composite tubes for circular beam-column applications
Construction & Building Materials, 17(07-Jun), 507–516.
2003 journal article
Precast piles for Route 40 bridge in Virginia using concrete filled FRP tubes
PCI JOURNAL, 48(3), 32–45.

2002 journal article
Flexural Behavior of concrete-filled fiber-reinforced polymer circular tubes
Journal of Composites for Construction, 6(2), 123–132.

2002 journal article
In-plane testing of damaged masonry wall repaired with FRP
Advanced Composites Letters, 11(6), 277–283.