Works (17)
2009 journal article
Weed Control and Yield with Flumioxazin, Fomesafen, and S-Metolachlor Systems for Glufosinate-Resistant Cotton Residual Weed Management
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 23(3), 391–397.

2009 journal article
Weed Management Using Reduced Rate Combinations of Diclosulam, Flumioxazin, and Imazapic in Peanut
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 23(2), 236–242.

2008 journal article
Critical period of grass vs. broadleaf weed interference in peanut
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 22(1), 68–73.

2008 journal article
Critical period of weed interference in peanut
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 22(1), 63–67.

2008 journal article
Glufosinate-resistant corn interference in glufosinate-resistant cotton
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 22(2), 211–216.

2008 journal article
Weed management and crop response with glyphosate, s-metolachlor, trifloxysulfuron, prometryn, and MSMA in glyphosate-resistant cotton
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 22(1), 160–167.

2007 journal article
Economic assessment of weed management in strip- and conventional-tillage nontransgenic and transgenic cotton
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 21(1), 45–52.

2007 journal article
Glyphosate-resistant corn interference in glyphosate-resistant cotton
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 21(2), 372–377.

2007 journal article
Influence of environmental factors on cutleaf eveningprimrose (Oenothera laciniata) germination, emergence, development, vegetative growth, and control
WEED SCIENCE, 55(3), 264–272.

2007 journal article
Weed management in north Carolina peanuts (Arachis hypogaea) with s-metolachlor, diclosulam, flumioxazin, and sulfentrazone systems
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 21(3), 629–635.

2006 journal article
Glyphosate-resistant cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) response and weed management with trifloxysulfuron, glyphosate, prometryn, and MSMA
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 20(1), 6–13.

2006 journal article
Influence of diclosulam postemergence application timing on weed control and peanut tolerance
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 20(3), 651–657.

2006 journal article
Weed management with S-metolachlor and glyphosate mixtures in glyphosate-resistant strip- and conventional-tillage cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 20(1), 232–241.

2003 journal article
Weed management with CGA-362622 in transgenic and nontransgenic cotton
WEED SCIENCE, 51(6), 1002–1009.

2002 journal article
Economic assessment of diclosulam and flumioxazin in strip- and conventional-tillage peanut
WEED SCIENCE, 50(3), 378–385.

2002 journal article
Weed-free yield response of seven cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) cultivars to CGA-362622 postemergence
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 16(1), 180–183.

2001 journal article
Common ragweed interference in peanut
WEED SCIENCE, 49(6), 768–772.