Works (7)
2019 journal article
Contamination of eggs by Salmonella Enteritidis in experimentally infected laying hens of four commercial genetic lines in conventional cages and enriched colony housing
Poultry Science, 98(10), 5023–5027.

2011 journal article
Comparison of environmental and egg microbiology associated with conventional and free-range laying hen management
POULTRY SCIENCE, 90(9), 2063–2068.

2007 journal article
Effects of genetic selection on behavioral profiles of single comb white Leghorn hens through two production cycles
POULTRY SCIENCE, 86(9), 1814–1820.
2004 journal article
Survey of shell egg processing plant sanitation programs: Effects on non-egg-contact surfaces
JOURNAL OF FOOD PROTECTION, 67(12), 2801–2804.

2004 journal article
The effects of different beak trimming techniques on plasma corticosterone and performance criteria in single comb White Leghorn hens
POULTRY SCIENCE, 83(10), 1624–1628.

2002 journal article
Effects of cryogenic cooling of shell eggs on egg quality
POULTRY SCIENCE, 81(5), 727–733.
2002 journal article
Microbial contamination in inoculated shell eggs: I. Effects of layer strain and hen age
POULTRY SCIENCE, 81(5), 715–720.