Works (7)
2006 journal article
Higher Fock-state contributions to the generalized parton distribution of pion

2005 article
A novel variational approach for quantum field theory: Example of study of the ground state and phase transition in nonlinear sigma model
Mishchenko, Y., & Ji, C. R. (2005, June 20). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A, Vol. 20, pp. 3488–3494.

2005 article
Exploring properties of dark and visible mass distribution on different scales in the universe
Mishchenko, Y., & Ji, C. R. (2005, June 10). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A, Vol. 20, pp. 3124–3127.
2005 journal article
Time-to-space conversion in quantum field theory of flavor mixing
ANNALS OF PHYSICS, 315(2), 488–504.
2004 journal article
Phenomenology of flavor oscillations with non-perturbative effects from quantum field theory
PHYSICS LETTERS B, 594(1-2), 135–140.

2003 journal article
Molar mass estimate of dark matter from the dark mass distribution measurements
2002 journal article
General theory of quantum field mixing
Physical Review. D, Particles and Fields, 65(9), 096015–096011.