Works (5)
2007 conference paper
Microwave pretreatment of switchgrass to enhance enzymatic hydrolysis
Proceedings of the ASABE Annual International Meeting (Minneapolis, Minnesota), 077127.
2005 journal article
Effects of activated carbon characteristics on the simultaneous adsorption of aqueous organic micropollutants and natural organic matter
WATER RESEARCH, 39(8), 1663–1673.
Contributors: P. Quinlivan n, n & D. Knappe n

2005 journal article
Predicting adsorption isotherms for aqueous organic micropollutants from activated carbon and pollutant properties
Contributors: P. Quinlivan n & D. Knappe n n,

2004 journal article
A new type of water-soluble fluorescent boronic acid suitable for construction of polyboronic acids for carbohydrate recognition
Heterocyclic Communications, 10(6), 383–388.
2002 journal article
Effects of activated carbon surface chemistry and pore structure on the adsorption of organic contaminants from aqueous solution
CARBON, 40(12), 2085–2100.
Contributors: P. Quinlivan n & D. Knappe n n,