@misc{wayne_simonsen_1998, title={Statistical tests of neutrality in the age of weak selection}, volume={13}, ISSN={["1872-8383"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0169-5347(98)01360-3}, abstractNote={Why review statistical tests of neutrality at a time when pan-selectionists and pan-neutralists alike seem to have been replaced by weak selectionists? First, we still don't actually know how variation is maintained at the molecular level; and second, tests of neutrality have a utility for evolutionary biologists beyond the neutralist/selectionist debate. New tests and variations on the existing tests are arising practically every month. From the complementary viewpoints of an empiricist and a theoretician, we sample the recent literature on tests of statistical neutrality and discuss the motivations, applications, assumptions, interpretations and future directions of these tests.}, number={6}, journal={TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION}, author={Wayne, ML and Simonsen, KL}, year={1998}, month={Jun}, pages={236–240} } @article{simonsen_churchill_1997, title={A Markov chain model of coalescence with recombination}, volume={52}, ISSN={["0040-5809"]}, DOI={10.1006/tpbi.1997.1307}, abstractNote={Trees that describe the ancestry of DNA sequences sampled from a population may differ between loci because of genetic recombination. We seek to understand the relationship between such trees for loci that are linked with non-zero recombination rate. We consider a coalescent process model with recombination, as described by Hudson (1983; 1990). For two loci and a sample size of two sequences, a detailed analysis of this process yields the joint distribution of the two trees (one at each locus). A number of interesting results follow from this analysis, including the distribution of the number of recombination events in the history of the sample. For the general case of m loci and samples of size n, we describe an algorithm for simulating the tree building process. Because analytic results are difficult to obtain in this case, we use simulation to study properties of trees at multiple linked loci such as total tree time and number of recombination events. Copyright 1997 Academic Press}, number={1}, journal={THEORETICAL POPULATION BIOLOGY}, author={Simonsen, KL and Churchill, GA}, year={1997}, month={Aug}, pages={43–59} } @article{simonsen_kaplan_martin_1997, title={A Monte Carlo permutation approach to choosing an affection status model for bipolar affective disorder}, volume={14}, number={6}, journal={Genetic Epidemiology}, author={Simonsen, K. L. and Kaplan, N. L. and Martin, E. R.}, year={1997}, pages={681–686} }