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Works (30)
2008 journal article
A Comparison of Weed Control in Herbicide-Resistant, Herbicide-Tolerant, and Conventional Corn
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 22(4), 571–579.

2007 journal article
Absorption and translocation of glyphosate and sucrose in glyphosate-resistant cotton
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 21(2), 459–464.

2007 journal article
Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense) pollen expresses ACCase target-site resistance
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 21(2), 384–388.
Contributors: J. Holland* , J. Burton*, A. York* & J. Wilcut* *,

2007 journal article
Palmer amaranth interference and seed production in peanut
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 21(2), 367–371.

2007 journal article
Viability and in vitro germination of Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense) pollen
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 21(1), 23–29.

2007 journal article
Weed control and yield with glufosinate-resistant cotton weed management systems
Weed Technology, 21(3), 695–701.
2007 journal article
Yield and physiological response of peanut to glyphosate drift
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 21(4), 954–960.

2006 journal article
A seedling assay to screen aryloxyphenoxypropionic acid and cyclohexanedione resistance in johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense)
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 20(4), 950–955.

2006 journal article
Cross-resistance of a johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense) biotype to aryloxyphenoxypropionate and cyclohexanedione herbicides
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 20(3), 571–575.

2006 journal article
Influence of environmental factors on slender amaranth (Amaranthus viridis) germination
Weed Science, 54(2), 316–320.

2006 journal article
Mechanism of resistance to clethodim in a johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense) biotype
WEED SCIENCE, 54(3), 401–406.

2006 journal article
Uptake, translocation, and metabolism of root absorbed sulfentrazone and sulfentrazone plus clomazone in flue-cured tobacco transplants
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 20(4), 898–902.

2005 journal article
Glufosinate antagonizes clethodim control of goosegrass (Eleusine indica)
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 19(3), 664–668.

2005 journal article
Influence of selected fungicides on efficacy of clethodim and sethoxydim
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 19(2), 397–403.

2005 journal article
Weed management systems in glyphosate-resistant cotton
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 19(2), 422–429.

2005 journal article
Yield and physiological response of flue-cured tobacco to simulated glyphosate drift
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 19(2), 255–260.

2005 journal article
Yield and physiological response of nontransgenic cotton to simulated glyphosate drift
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 19(1), 35–42.

2004 journal article
Absorption, translocation and metabolism of halosulfuron and trifloxysulfuron in green kyllinga (Kyllinga brevifolia) and false-green kyllinga (K-gracillima)
WEED SCIENCE, 52(5), 704–710.

2004 journal article
Annual grass control in peanut (Arachis hypogaea) with clethodim and imazapic
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 18(1), 88–92.

2004 journal article
Weed management in cotton with CGA-362622, fluometuron, and pyrithiobac
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 18(2), 268–276.

2004 journal article
Weed management in glyphosate-resistant corn with glyphosate and halosulfuron
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 18(4), 1049–1057.

2004 journal article
Weed management in glyphosate-resistant corn with glyphosate, halosulfuron, and mesotrione
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 18(3), 826–834.

2004 journal article
Weed management in imidazolinone-resistant corn with imazapic
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 18(4), 1018–1022.

2003 journal article
Absorption, translocation, and metabolism of foliar-applied CGA-362622 in purple and yellow nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus and C-esculentus)
WEED SCIENCE, 51(1), 13–18.

2003 journal article
Influence of environmental factors on after-ripened crowfootgrass (Dactyloctenium aegyptium) seed germination
WEED SCIENCE, 51(3), 342–347.

2003 journal article
Influence of environmental factors on broadleaf signalgrass (Brachiaria platyphylla) germination
WEED SCIENCE, 51(5), 683–689.

2003 journal article
Physiological basis for antagonism of clethodim by CGA 362622
WEED SCIENCE, 51(5), 671–677.

2003 journal article
Physiological basis for antagonism of clethodim by imazapic on goosegrass (Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.)

2002 journal article
CGA-362622 antagonizes annual grass control with clethodim
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 16(4), 749–754.

2002 journal article
Flumioxazin systems for weed management in North Carolina peanut (Arachis hypogaea)
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 16(4), 743–748.