Works (6)
2005 journal article
Factors that allow polyolefins to form miscible blends: polyisobutylene and head-to-head polypropylene
MACROMOLECULES, 38(25), 10466–10471.

2004 journal article
Length scales which perturb chain packing in amorphous polymers
MACROMOLECULES, 37(12), 4573–4579.
2003 journal article
Dynamic disorder and conformer exchange in the crystalline monomer of polycarbonate
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 107(48), 13293–13299.

2003 journal article
Independent calibration of H-1 spin-diffusion coefficients in amorphous polymers by intramolecular polarization transfer
MACROMOLECULES, 36(3), 712–718.

2003 journal article
Polyolefin miscibility: Solid-state NMR investigation of phase behavior in saturated hydrocarbon blends
MACROMOLECULES, 36(13), 4844–4850.

2003 journal article
The glass transition time scale and configurational entropy in polymers: An experimental molecular view
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125(45), 13660–13661.