Works (6)
2012 journal article
Genetic Architecture of Maize Kernel Composition in the Nested Association Mapping and Inbred Association Panels
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 158(2), 824–834.
Contributors: J. Cook n, M. McMullen n, J. Holland n , F. Tian n, P. Bradbury n, J. Ross-Ibarra n, E. Buckler n, n

2012 journal article
The relationship between parental genetic or phenotypic divergence and progeny variation in the maize nested association mapping population
HEREDITY, 108(5), 490–499.
Contributors: H. Hung n, C. Browne *, K. Guill*, N. Coles n, M. Eller n, A. Garcia*, N. Lepak*, S. Melia-Hancock*

2011 journal article
Genome-wide association study of leaf architecture in the maize nested association mapping population
NATURE GENETICS, 43(2), 159–U113.
Contributors: F. Tian *, P. Bradbury *, P. Brown *, H. Hung n, Q. Sun *, *, T. Rocheford *, M. McMullen*, J. Holland n , E. Buckler *

2003 journal article
Genetic relationship of stalk strength and ear height in maize
CROP SCIENCE, 43(1), 23–31.

2003 journal article
Quantitative trait locus analysis of stalk strength in four maize populations
CROP SCIENCE, 43(1), 13–22.

2003 review
Structure of linkage disequilibrium in plants
[Review of ]. ANNUAL REVIEW OF PLANT BIOLOGY, 54, 357–374.