@article{goodman_breitschwerdt_2005, title={Clinicopathologic findings in dogs seroreactive toBartonella henselaeantigens}, volume={66}, ISSN={0002-9645}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.2460/ajvr.2005.66.2060}, DOI={10.2460/ajvr.2005.66.2060}, abstractNote={Abstract Objective—To assess the potential clinical relevance of seroreactivity to Bartonella henselae antigens in dogs. Animals—40 dogs seroreactive to B henselae and 45 dogs that did not seroreact to B henselae. Procedure—A case-control study was conducted. Clinical and clinicopathologic findings were extracted from medical records of each dog. Results—Statistical differences were not detected between dogs seroreactive or nonseroreactive to B henselae when analyzed on the basis of disease category or results of hematologic, biochemical, urine, or cytologic analysis. However, seroreactivity to B henselae antigens was detected in 2 of 4 dogs with a clinical diagnosis of granulomatous meningoencephalitis, 3 of 4 dogs with immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, 3 of 4 dogs with infective endocarditis, 2 of 3 dogs with lymphoid neoplasia, and 5 of 10 dogs with polyarthritis. Additionally, seroreactivity to B henselae antigens was detected in 18 of 34 thrombocytopenic dogs and 14 of 27 dogs with neutrophilia. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Significant associations were not detected between seroreactivity to B henselae and various diseases. Prospective epidemiologic studies investigating specific diseases, such as meningoencephalitis or polyarthritis, and specific hematologic abnormalities, such as immunemediated hemolytic anemia or thrombocytopenia, should be conducted to further define the potential clinical relevance of antibodies against B henselae in dogs. Impact for Human Medicine—Bartonella organisms are increasingly reported as pathogens that induce are increasingly reported as pathogens that induce chronic infections in humans and dogs. Dogs may serve as natural candidates for future study of the disease in humans. (Am J Vet Res 2005;66:2060–2064)}, number={12}, journal={American Journal of Veterinary Research}, publisher={American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)}, author={Goodman, Robert A. and Breitschwerdt, Edward B.}, year={2005}, month={Dec}, pages={2060–2064} } @article{pressler_goodman_harms_hawkins_lewbart_2003, title={Endoscopic evaluation of the esophagus and stomach in three loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) and a Malaysian giant turtle (Orlitia borneensis).}, volume={34}, DOI={10.1638/1042-7260(2003)34[0088:eeotea]2.0.co;2}, abstractNote={Abstract Three loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) and a Malaysian giant turtle (Orlitia borneensis) were presented with suspected or confirmed esophageal foreign bodies. Esophagoscopy was performed on all turtles, and gastroscopy was performed on three turtles. In all cases, endoscopy was easy to perform, and allowed visualization of most upper gastrointestinal features. The papillated esophagus was easy to navigate, but mucosal papillae in the loggerhead sea turtles prevented examination of the underlying mucosa. The stomach was easily entered and examined in both species, but the working endoscope length (100 cm) prevented inspection of the pyloric antrum and the duodenum in all turtles. The turtles in this report may serve as references for future endoscopic examinations of these species.}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine}, author={Pressler, B. M. and Goodman, R. A. and Harms, Craig and Hawkins, Eleanor and Lewbart, Gregory}, year={2003}, pages={88–92} } @article{goodman_hawkins_olby_grindem_hegarty_breitschwerdt_2003, title={Molecular identification of Ehrlichia ewingii infection in dogs: 15 cases (1997-2001)}, volume={222}, DOI={10.2460/javma.2003.222.1102}, abstractNote={AbstractObjective—To determine historical, physical examination, hematologic, and serologic findings in dogs withEhrlichia ewingiiinfection.Design—Retrospective study.Animals—15 dogs.Procedure—In all dogs, infection withE ewingiiwas confirmed with a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. Follow-up information and clarification of information recorded in the medical records was obtained by telephone interviews and facsimile correspondence with referring veterinarians and owners.Results—Fever and lameness were the most common findings with each occurring in 8 dogs. Five dogs had neurologic abnormalities including ataxia, paresis, proprioceptive deficits, anisocoria, intention tremor, and head tilt. Neutrophilic polyarthritis was identified in 4 dogs. No clinical signs were reported in 3 dogs. The predominant hematologic abnormality was thrombocytopenia, which was identified in all 12 dogs for which a platelet count was available. Reactive lymphocytes were seen in 5 of 13 dogs. Concurrent infection with another rickettsial organism was identified in 4 dogs. Of the 13 dogs tested, 7 were seroreactive to E canis antigens. Morulae consistent withE ewingiiinfection were identified in neutrophils in 8 dogs. Treatment with doxycycline, with or without prednisone, resulted in a rapid, favorable clinical response in the 9 dogs for which follow-up information was available.Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Results suggest that PCR testing forE ewingiiinfection should be considered in dogs with fever, neutrophilic polyarthritis, unexplained ataxia or paresis, thrombocytopenia, or unexplained reactive lymphocytes, and in dogs with clinical signs suggestive of ehrlichiosis that are seronegative for E canis. Following treatment with doxycycline, the prognosis for recovery is good. (J Am Vet Med Assoc2003;222:1102–1107)}, number={8}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION}, author={Goodman, RA and Hawkins, EC and Olby, NJ and Grindem, CB and Hegarty, B and Breitschwerdt, EB}, year={2003}, month={Apr}, pages={1102–1107} }