Works (27)
2009 journal article
Absorption, Translocation, and Metabolism of Glufosinate in Transgenic and Nontransgenic Cotton, Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri), and Pitted Morningglory (Ipomoea lacunosa)
WEED SCIENCE, 57(4), 357–361.

2008 journal article
A Comparison of Weed Control in Herbicide-Resistant, Herbicide-Tolerant, and Conventional Corn
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 22(4), 571–579.

2008 journal article
Glufosinate-resistant corn interference in glufosinate-resistant cotton
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 22(2), 211–216.

2007 journal article
Absorption and translocation of glyphosate and sucrose in glyphosate-resistant cotton
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 21(2), 459–464.

2007 journal article
Economic assessment of weed management systems in glufosinate-resistant, glyphosate-resistant, imidazolinone-tolerant, and nontransgenic corn
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 21(1), 191–198.

2007 journal article
Glyphosate-resistant corn interference in glyphosate-resistant cotton
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 21(2), 372–377.

2007 journal article
Palmer amaranth interference and seed production in peanut
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 21(2), 367–371.

2007 journal article
Rain-free requirement and physiological properties of cotton plant growth regulators

2007 journal article
Yield and physiological response of peanut to glyphosate drift
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 21(4), 954–960.

2006 journal article
A seedling assay to screen aryloxyphenoxypropionic acid and cyclohexanedione resistance in johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense)
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 20(4), 950–955.

2006 journal article
Glyphosate-resistant cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) response and weed management with trifloxysulfuron, glyphosate, prometryn, and MSMA
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 20(1), 6–13.

2006 journal article
Influence of environmental factors on slender amaranth (Amaranthus viridis) germination
Weed Science, 54(2), 316–320.

2005 journal article
Assessment of two nondestructive assays for detecting glyphosate resistance in horseweed (Conyza canadensis)
WEED SCIENCE, 53(4), 438–445.

2005 journal article
Assessment of two nondestructive assays for detecting glyphosate resistance in horseweed (Conyza canadensis)
WEED SCIENCE, 53(5), 559–566.

2005 journal article
Effects of glyphosate application timing and rate on sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia) fecundity
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 19(1), 55–61.

2005 journal article
Rice (Oryza satiova) response to drift rates of glyphosate
Pest Management Science, 61(12), 1161–1167.
2005 journal article
Uptake, translocation, and metabolism of sulfentrazone in peanut, prickly sida (Sida spinosa), and pitted morningglory (Ipomoea lacunosa)
WEED SCIENCE, 53(4), 446–450.

2005 journal article
Yield and physiological response of flue-cured tobacco to simulated glyphosate drift
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 19(2), 255–260.

2005 journal article
Yield and physiological response of nontransgenic cotton to simulated glyphosate drift
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 19(1), 35–42.

2004 journal article
Glufosinate does not affect floral morphology and pollen viability in glufosinate-resistant cotton
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 18(2), 258–262.

2004 journal article
Glyphosate negatively affects pollen viability but not pollination and seed set in glyphosate-resistant corn
WEED SCIENCE, 52(5), 725–734.

2004 journal article
Tropic croton interference in peanut
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 18(1), 119–123.

2004 journal article
Weed efficacy evaluations for bromoxynil, glufosinate, glyphosate, pyrithiobac, and sulfosate
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 18(2), 443–453.

2004 journal article
Weed management in glyphosate-resistant corn with glyphosate and halosulfuron
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 18(4), 1049–1057.

2004 journal article
Weed management in glyphosate-resistant corn with glyphosate, halosulfuron, and mesotrione
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 18(3), 826–834.

2003 journal article
Influence of environmental factors on after-ripened crowfootgrass (Dactyloctenium aegyptium) seed germination
WEED SCIENCE, 51(3), 342–347.

2003 journal article
Influence of environmental factors on broadleaf signalgrass (Brachiaria platyphylla) germination
WEED SCIENCE, 51(5), 683–689.