Works (6)
2005 journal article
Vegetative growth and competitiveness of common cocklebur resistant and susceptible to acetolactate synthase-inhibiting herbicides
Journal of Cotton Science (Online), 9(4), 229.
2004 journal article
Tolerance of six soft red winter wheat cultivars to AE F130060 00 plus AE F115008 00
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 18(2), 252–257.
2004 journal article
Wheat (Triticuin aestivum) tolerance and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) control with AE f130060 00 plus AE f115008 00 applied in nitrogen
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 18(1), 93–99.
2004 journal article
Wheat tolerance to AE f130060 00 plus AE f115008 00 as affected by time of application and rate of the safener AE F107892
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 18(3), 841–845.
2003 journal article
CGA-362622 antagonizes annual grass control by graminicides in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum)
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 17(2), 373–380.
2003 journal article
Wheat (Triticum aestivum) tolerance and Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) control by AE F130060 00 plus AE F115008 00 mixed with other herbicides
Weed Technology, 17(4), 881–889.