Works (5)
2005 journal article
Growth, productivity, and competitiveness of introgressed weedy Brassica rapa hybrids selected for the presence of Bt cry1Ac and gfp transgenes
MOLECULAR ECOLOGY, 14(10), 3177–3189.

2004 journal article
Hybridization and backcrossing between transgenic oilseed rape and two related weed species under field conditions
Environmental Biosafety Research, 3(2), 73.

2003 journal article
Additive transgene expression and genetic introgression in multiple green-fluorescent protein transgenic crop x weed hybrid generations

2003 journal article
Quantitative GFP fluorescence as an indicator of recombinant protein synthesis in transgenic plants
PLANT CELL REPORTS, 22(2), 117–121.

2003 journal article
Spatial and temporal patterns of green fluorescent protein (GFP) fluorescence during leaf canopy development in transgenic oilseed rape, Brassica napus L.
PLANT CELL REPORTS, 22(5), 338–343.