Works (15)
2004 journal article
Hyperfine meson splittings: chiral symmetry versus transverse gluon exchange
2000 journal article
Heavy hybrids with constituent gluons
Nuclear Physics. B, 86(2000 June), 393–396.
1999 journal article
BB intermeson potentials in the quark model - art. no. 045202
Physical Review. C, Nuclear Physics, 6004(4), 5202-.
1999 journal article
Heavy hybrids with constituent gluons - art. no. 014035.
Physical Review. D, Particles and Fields, 5901(1), 4035-.
1999 journal article
Hybrid meson decay phenomenology - art. no. 034016
Physical Review. D, Particles and Fields, 5903(3), 4016.
1999 journal article
Renormalized effective QCD Hamiltonian: Gluonic sector
1998 article
Hybrids and quark confinement
Swanson, E. S. (1998, May). NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS, Vol. 64, pp. 312–315.
1998 journal article
Light-cone wave functions and chiral symmetry - Discussions
Nuclear Physics. B, 64(1998 May), 295.
1998 journal article
QCD Hamiltonian approach for the glueball spectrum
Nuclear Physics. A, 631(1998 Mar. 2), C640–643.
1998 review
Solar fusion cross sections
[Review of ]. REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS, 70(4), 1265–1291.
1997 journal article
Decays of hybrid mesons
Physical Review. D, Particles and Fields, 56(9), 5692–5695.
1997 journal article
From current to constituent quarks: a renormalization-group-improved Hamiltonian-based description of hadrons
Physical Review. D, Particles and Fields, 55(3), 1578–1591.
1997 journal article
Higher quarkonia
Physical Review. D, Particles and Fields, 55(7), 4157–4188.
1997 journal article
On the DIRAC structure of confinement
Physical Review. D, Particles and Fields, 55(7), 3987–3993.
1997 journal article
QCD and hadronic physics
Nuclear Physics. B, (suppl.), 166–170.