@article{feeney_soderblom_goshe_clark_2006, title={Novel protein purification system utilizing an N-terminal fusion protein and a caspase-3 cleavable linker}, volume={47}, ISSN={1046-5928}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pep.2005.10.005}, DOI={10.1016/j.pep.2005.10.005}, abstractNote={Coupled with over-expression in host organisms, fusion protein systems afford economical methods to obtain large quantities of target proteins in a fast and efficient manner. Some proteases used for these purposes cleave C-terminal to their recognition sequences and do not leave extra amino acids on the target. However, they are often inefficient and are frequently promiscuous, resulting in non-specific cleavages of the target protein. To address these issues, we created a fusion protein system that utilizes a highly efficient enzyme and leaves no residual amino acids on the target protein after removal of the affinity tag. We designed a glutathione S-transferase (GST)-fusion protein vector with a caspase-3 consensus cleavage sequence located between the N-terminal GST tag and a target protein. We show that the enzyme efficiently cleaves the fusion protein without leaving excess amino acids on the target protein. In addition, we used an engineered caspase-3 enzyme that is highly stable, has increased activity relative to the wild-type enzyme, and contains a poly-histidine tag that allows for efficient removal of the enzyme after cleavage of the fusion protein. Although we have developed this system using a GST tag, the system is amenable to any commercially available affinity tag.}, number={1}, journal={Protein Expression and Purification}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Feeney, Brett and Soderblom, Erik J. and Goshe, Michael B. and Clark, A. Clay}, year={2006}, month={May}, pages={311–318} } @article{qian_gosche_camp_yu_tang_smith_2003, title={Phosphoprotein isotope-coded solid-phase tag approach for enrichment and quantitative analysis of phosphopeptides from complex mixtures}, volume={75}, ISSN={["1520-6882"]}, DOI={10.1021/ac0342774}, abstractNote={Many cellular processes are regulated by reversible protein phosphorylation, and the ability to broadly identify and quantify phosphoproteins from proteomes would provide a basis for gaining a better understanding of these dynamic cellular processes. However, such a sensitive, efficient, and global method capable of addressing the phosphoproteome has yet to be developed. Here we describe an improved stable-isotope labeling method using a phosphoprotein isotope-coded solid-phase tag (PhIST) for isolating and measuring the relative abundances of phosphorylated peptides from complex peptide mixtures resulting from the enzymatic digestion of extracted proteins. The PhIST approach is an extension of the previously reported phosphoprotein isotope-coded affinity tag (PhIAT) approach developed by our laboratory, where phosphoseryl and phosphothreonyl residues were derivatized by hydroxide ion-mediated beta-elimination followed by the Michael addition of 1,2-ethanedithiol (EDT). Instead of using the biotin affinity tag, peptides containing the EDT moiety were captured and labeled in one step using isotope-coded solid-phase reagents containing either light (12C6, 14N) or heavy (13C6, 15N) stable isotopes. The captured peptides labeled with the isotope-coded tags were released from the solid-phase support by UV photocleavage and analyzed by capillary liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The efficiency and sensitivity of the PhIST labeling approach for identification of phosphopeptides from mixtures were determined using casein proteins. Its utility for proteomic applications was demonstrated by the labeling of soluble phosphoproteins from a human breast cancer cell line.}, number={20}, journal={ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY}, author={Qian, WJ and Gosche, MB and Camp, DG and Yu, LR and Tang, KQ and Smith, RD}, year={2003}, month={Oct}, pages={5441–5450} }