@book{levin_kater_wagoner_2006, title={Community college faculty: At work in the new economy}, ISBN={1403966672}, publisher={New York: Palgrave Macmillan}, author={Levin, J. S. and Kater, S. and Wagoner, R. L.}, year={2006} } @article{levin_2006, title={Faculty work: Tensions between educational and economic values}, volume={77}, ISSN={["1538-4640"]}, DOI={10.1353/jhe.2006.0004}, abstractNote={Faculty are the critical labor element in the pursuit of the economic goals of the community colleges, yet they are not central to institutional decision-making. Their views and values are not consistent with the goals and actions of their colleges. Instead, these goals and actions are aligned with business and industry, directed by government and college administrators. Although there is a misalignment of faculty values and institutional actions, faculty do not comprise an oppositional culture within their colleges. This multisite qualitative study addresses the presence of tensions between educational values of faculty and the economic values of faculty work.}, number={1}, journal={JOURNAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION}, author={Levin, JS}, year={2006}, pages={62-+} } @article{levin_2004, title={The community college as a baccalaureate-granting institution}, volume={28}, ISSN={["1090-7009"]}, DOI={10.1353/rhe.2004.0029}, abstractNote={ The introduction of baccalaureate degree programming and credentialing expands the mission and may lead to the alteration of the institutional identity of the community college. This study examines baccalaureate-degree granting community colleges through the lenses of both globalization theory and institutional theory, in a multisite, two-nation investigation. In addressing potential outcomes of baccalaureate-degree-granting status for community colleges, this study questions whether the institution can maintain its traditional role. }, number={1}, journal={REVIEW OF HIGHER EDUCATION}, author={Levin, JS}, year={2004}, pages={1-+} } @article{levin_2003, title={Organizational paradigm shift and the university colleges of British Columbia}, volume={46}, number={4}, journal={Higher Education (Amsterdam, Netherlands)}, author={Levin, J. S.}, year={2003}, pages={447–467} }