Works (6)
2006 review
On-chip micromanipulation and assembly of colloidal particles by electric fields
[Review of ]. Soft Matter, 2(9), 738–750.
2005 journal article
An AC electrokinetic technique for collection and concentration of particles and cells on patterned electrodes
LANGMUIR, 21(14), 6603–6612.
Contributors: S. Grego n & O. Velev n n,

2005 journal article
Anisotropic particle synthesis in dielectrophoretically controlled microdroplet reactors
NATURE MATERIALS, 4(1), 98–102.
Contributors: J. Millman n, n, B. Prevo n & O. Velev n

2004 journal article
Control and modeling of the dielectrophoretic assembly of on-chip nanoparticle wires
LANGMUIR, 20(2), 467–476.
Contributors: O. Velev n n &

2004 journal article
Scalable synthesis of a new class of polymer microrods by a liquid - Liquid dispersion technique
ADVANCED MATERIALS, 16(18), 1653-+.
Contributors: R. Alargova n, n, V. Paunov * & O. Velev*
2003 article
On-chip manipulation of free droplets
Velev, O. D., Prevo, B. G., & Bhatt, K. H. (2003, December 4). NATURE, Vol. 426, pp. 515–516.