Works (3)
2008 journal article
Bright, low voltage europium doped gallium oxide thin film electroluminescent devices

2003 chapter
Mining eBay: Bidding strategies and shill detection
In WEBKDD 2002: Mining Web data for discovering usage patterns and profiles: 4th international workshop, Edmonton, Canada, July 23, 2002: Revised papers (Vol. 2703, pp. 17–34). Berlin; New York: Springer.
2002 chapter
Applying the Generalized Vickrey Auction to pricing reliable multicasts
In Burkhard Stiller ...[et al.] (Eds.), From QoS provisioning to QoS charging: Third COST 263 International Workshop on Quality of Future Internet Services, QofIS 2002 and second International Workshop on Internet Charging and QoS Technologies, ICQT 2002, Zurich, Switzerland, October 16-18, 2002 (Vol. 2511, pp. 283–292). Berlin; New York: Springer.