Works (5)
2003 journal article
How useful are course websites? A study of students' perceptions
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 2(2), 15–24.
conference paper
A comparison of perceptions of trail attributes between Korean and U.S. Trail users
Ivy, M. I., Lee, J.-H., & Moore, R. L. Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Social Aspects of Recreation Research, 75. Albany, Calif. : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station.
journal article
Neighboring landowner attitudes towards a proposed greenway trail: Assessing differences between adjacent and nearby residents
Ivy, M. I., & Moore, R. L. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 25(2), 42–63.
journal article
Perceived benefits and problems associated with urban trails by South Korean and U.S. trail users
Lee, J., Ivy, M. I., & Moore, R. L. Han'Guk Imhakhoe Chi = Journal of the Korean Forestry Society, 90(5), 585–592.
State trail programs in the United States
Moore, R. L., & Ivy, M. I. In Outdoor recreation in American Life: A national assessment of demand and supply trends (pp. 115–120). Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing.