@article{gookin_stebbins_hunt_burlone_fulton_hochel_talaat_poore_levy_2004, title={Prevalence of and risk factors for feline Tritichomonas foetus and Giardia infection}, volume={42}, ISSN={["1098-660X"]}, DOI={10.1128/JCM.42.6.2707-2710.2004}, abstractNote={ABSTRACTData were gathered for 117 cats from 89 catteries at an international cat show to examine prevalence and risk factors for felineTritrichomonas foetusandGiardiainfection. Prevalence ofT. foetuswas 31% among cats (36 out of 117) and catteries (28 out of 89) based on results of fecal smear examination (5 out of 36), fecal culture in modified Diamond's medium (9 out of 36), fecal culture in In Pouch TF medium (20 out of 36), or PCR amplification of the ribosomal RNA gene from feces withT. foetus-specific primers (34 out of 36). Catteries in whichT. foetuswas identified were more likely to have had a recent history of diarrhea, historical diagnosis of coccidia infection in adult cats, and a decreased number of square feet of facility per cat. Evidence did not exist for the ongoing transmission ofT. foetusby water, food, or contact with other species.}, number={6}, journal={JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY}, author={Gookin, JL and Stebbins, ME and Hunt, E and Burlone, K and Fulton, M and Hochel, R and Talaat, M and Poore, M and Levy, MG}, year={2004}, month={Jun}, pages={2707–2710} }